Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    Oh my:

    if Michael Phelps suddenly decided to break away from the United States and declare himself a sovereign nation, he’d currently be joint-fourth in the medals table at the Olympics — level with the U.S.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    The IOC rules say gymnasts must be 16 to compete at the Olympics, and these girls are seemingly 14

    Yeah, this is what I would be worried about. Actual cheating.

    However, there may be a statute of limitations on this kind of thing. We all remember Paul Hamm from the last games: "It's too late the medal is mine".

    Not that I'm condoning it. If it's true, it's cheating, and out they go!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Cracker: No Kitty Blues,

    All I want to do right now is go home and cuddle my cat.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    I could do it my *&@!# Quax-ing self.

    Hooray! Emma picked up the meme!

    I like Peter Williams in the presenting role. The second time they cut to him on the first day the desk was covered in books and papers and he clearly wasn't ready so he just turned to the camera and said:

    "Welcome back to Beijing, and just look at this mess! (motions at desk) Actually this is my homework for the next few days..."

    and then seamlessly into his actual script. Well done P-dub!

    And I can't be too mean to Pete Montgomery, he gave me and Jose his fried squid at the Tanuki Cave in Auckland.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    Oh and TVNZ did show Kitijima's second medal ceremony, but we only caught the end of it

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    I always remember the Liam Gallagher interview soundbite after they landed in Australia having harranged the flight crew. What did he have to say to the flight attendant?

    Got a tattoo me, stab 'im

    mmmmm, quite.

    Speaking of Gold medals, has anyone actually seen a medal ceremony yet?

    Yep, a Phelp's one and the Czech woman who won the first gold of the games.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    the footprints were truly thrilling - oh hang on they weren't real. Big difference.

    They were real, it was just the footage of them that was faked.

    So had you been in a helicopter zooming along Beijing's central axis you would have seen something very similar to what they showed. Except it would've been more smoggy and smokey from the previous fireworks and your helicopter would've been shot down as a potential terrorist threat.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    [Milo of Croton] would train in the off years by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day until the Olympics took place. By the time the events were to take place, he was carrying a four year old cow on his back. He carried the full-grown cow the length of the stadium, then proceeded to kill, roast, and eat it.

    That would be a hell of an opening ceremony. But the original cow would probably be replaced with a prettier one.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    he was 24 when he competed in his first Olympics and won at the stadion (200 yard sprint), the diaulos (400 yard spring), and the hoplitodromos (a race in armour). Our hero Leonidas won again at these three events in 160 BC, 156 BC and 152 BC. Bringing us to a grand total of 12 Olympic crowns/golds/wins.

    Chew on that, Mr. Phelps.

    I agree, let Phelps swim in armour before he can be crowned the best!

    Actually many news agencies changed their tune almost hours after the feverish headlines began. Phelps is now the "most successful Olympian". But they still say "of all time" when, clearly, it should be "of the modern era".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    Is is just me or is the last section - "The Actual Sports" - displaying as one long sentence that doesn't really make any sense?

    my bad, I'll sort it out.

    If I start going on about TVNZ's coverage I'll soon be !!!!111 - ing far more than is healthy

    you'll be *&@!# Quax-ing

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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