Posts by recordari
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That would be Hand of Sog? Oh wait, that's Hand of Son of God. Jesus, this is getting silly.
The penalty goal is a tough one. In this instance it seemed justified, but only because the penalty hit the cross bar. But, in a world cup, with a whole continent's heart on the line, it really feels wrong.
My heart says 'Penalty Goal' while my head says 'I can't quite think through all the ramifications of such a big rule change, so I'll stop trying'.
Anyway, I'm calling it the 'Hand of Sod'.
What's Sir Peter doing writing a report for the New Zealand Football Club anyway? Didn't realise he played.
[Coat of arms]
What drove me barmy (and call me a pedant, if you will) was the continuous misuse of it's for its. This is Grammar Error No. 1
It's in bits is it is, isn't it?
Thanks, Tim!
Yes, seconded. And there's a free download of track one from Phil Selway's (Radiohead) album Familial for download just back there <<<-
Dr Who? Just to counter the disturbing Zoological links above, here's the bloody Timelords.
Seriously, I need to claim ACC on that.
Sorry, neck or eye injuries caused by rapidly jerking ones head away from salacious internet material is no longer covered.
I'm surprised it's not in the T&C.
I warmly endorse this policy.
Generations of editors and supplicants seeking favourable coverage have probably long established a single malt economy at the Northern Club and other suitable venues for the transacting of favours and commerce.Our very own Forth Estate. We are talking 'Point Chevalier' so maybe the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
(KILL ME NOW, etc.)
No, me first.
[Redacted. That video has cured me. In fact I want my minute back, which is all I could stomach.] -
PC Gone Mad? Don't worry, I'll sic me Mac on it. (sic)
I'm feeling a bit out of touch that I hadn't seen this before.
did someone say dues
or didjoo say jews...
whoops, wrong threadDo you have a gold pass there or sumptin?
Was going to say 'dudes' but thought better of it, until now.
Almost tempted to dig out the old PC in the roof space and fire up Netscape 2.0. 'Why?' seems like a valid question at this point however.
What's so good about Chrome?
Thinking of all the platform combinations and browser variants a developer needs to check (although it isn't quite as bad as it used to be, is it?) makes my head hurt. Table rendering, line spacing, and page widths all used to go haywire depending on if it was IE, Netscape or the early Safari. Mind you, I was a messy coder.