Posts by recordari
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cats, farts and Bukowski - it's a recipe for success! :D
Phew, saved from more contextual invalidity. Must try sticking to topics better, as my mental linkage system is rather obtuse at times. It was rather for your benefit though, so glad you noticed (even if I retweeted it) ;-)
It was pretty absorbing, IMhO, and I still don't think Spain has peaked. What the hell was Pedro doing with Torres unmarked outside? Playing with himself? Anyway, he would have looked pretty bad had Germany come back and equalised.
Villa needed to be 6 inches taller too. Apart from that, the control shown by Spain at times made the German's frustration palpable.
Has anyone ever had a good word to say about 'Radiradirah"?
I never watched the thing (it sounded a kind of toxic concept) and I've only read really negative reviews...I tried, but the nausea got the better of me. Have preferred 7days, but at times of late they seem to be, if not crossing the line, at least trampling on it with reckless abandon. Still, it makes me laugh, so shouldn't complain.
Dickinson, Death, and Watermelon Salad
I like it , but surely Richard Brautigan's lawyers would have something to say
Ok, a page late, but just picked up Reality Sandwiches and found this;
A naked lunch is natural to us,
we eat reality sandwiches.
But allegories are so much lettuce.
Don't hide the madness.*I'll just go get my Sombrero
in light of the fallout,
so as to keep my hair on.Ginsberg. On Burroughs' Work.
Noah-found-land! I knew he was a Newfie!
Newark NJ or New Yark NY?
Lovely post Jolisa.
Bukowski on cats.
Quite a convenient time slot too. Coffee, toast and a wee bit of high drama before the working day begins.
By the way, apologies for getting a little off the rails up-thread. Not the first, and unfortunately probably not the last time, but here we still are.
Semifinal one tomorrow morning. Anyone excited? Seems like we needed a breather, but three more games to go, and by rights they should be the best in the tournament, no?
The Laws op. referred to TVNZ making the complainant 'sound like a 12-year-old'.
Actually, I'm increasingly drawn to my first conclusion, but perhaps could put it a bit more succinctly.