Posts by Simon Grigg
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sorry, I haven't got a clue
Since you've misquoted others up-thread countless times, best I take your words and I say we reached a point where we agree and move on.
post rock, math rock, electronica, drum and bass and a shit load of other genres that don't involve spinning rhymes over drum loops.
you really did get locked in a bubble some time in the past. I'm hoping, given that, you don't charge artists to record their music. I'd see it as devaluing their potential copyrights.
Still you can always blame p2p.
It wasn't just the Javanese who were in thrall to Suharto's supposed mystic powers.
Indeed and if you want to find him today he's enshrined at Astana Giribangun which has it's own place in Javanese mysticism.
If the west wonders why, after murdering up to a million, stripping the nation of much of it's wealth and leaving his putrid children huge parts of Bali and beyond, they still gave him a state funeral, they'd do well to look at his the Javanese side of his life.
Howard was extraordinarily complimentary of the retiring despot as he was forced out in '98 and Clinton did everything he could to support him until it was hopeless.
We don't even begin to understand the forces that control Java (and thus Indonesia) in the west.
Page 101 now although Robbery's having mathematical literacy issues
it has little or no relevance to my existence in this freezing wasteland of a city.
But y'know, without telling you, I reckon that not many, if any, of those young acts you work with may have avoided a hip hop track or two and quietly, whether you know it or not, have felt it's burning influence. Either that or you work in a bubble sealed off around 1978.
you're maths are as crap as your taste in music grigg.
It ain't about post numbers, it's pages. A page=a page=a frigging page
Excuses, excuses.....
there doesn't need to be a page zero. 1 x 100=100
gee, small grass roots bands making a living, cool, you didn't happen to notice they're both chart toppers did you.
a point I've made a few times now, the health of the royalty does not necessarily indicate the health of the industry.both indie acts making indie smashes and pulling crowds. You can't counter that by saying 'but I can't pull a's all fucked'
Sorry Rob.can.not.
Last year more NZ albums in the NZ album chart than any year a margin too
I counted them
yes it is