Posts by Chris Waugh

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  • Capture: Art On The Street,

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    Decorative rock at the entrance to…

    ...this road that gets too much traffic to be reduced to one lane carved out by passing cars. Gee, thanks Xialufengying for all the practice driving in snow.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Art On The Street,

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    Those would be footprints and bicycle tracks in the snow on the lake surface in the background...

    Well-behaved statues on the wharf, naughty people on the lake.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: MegaBox: From f**k-all to zero, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    That may explain why the Americans I know are in Beijing rather than America, as they're generally at least bilingual... They were exiled for speaking Foreign? Then again, my experience says Kiwis tend to be worse than Yanks at learning foreign languages, even when their host country is not English speaking.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Art On The Street,


    A new variety of corn? Odd thing to be sprouting in a field in mid-winter.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: MegaBox: From f**k-all to zero, in reply to Rob Stowell,

    The ‘tailoring’ of advertising content is designed to please and interest, but so far, for me, it seems most often to be random- and often TOTALLY on the wrong track.

    Me, too. I can't understand how, if Google is so smart, it can see that the websites I visit are all in English, Chinese, French, or some mixture of those three*, then decide that those little ads in the top of my gmail inbox should be in Hebrew or other languages I've never used.

    As for adblockers, yeah, a lot of Chinese websites are horribly cluttered and busy, with ads floating over them and gazillions of pop ups, pop downs, pop sidewayses, pop ins, sometimes with fake close buttons, so if you try to close the ad so you can see the content you're looking for, a window pops up and the website has got its click through money. I wouldn't mind using an adblocker against such obnoxiousness. But I fail to see how ads like on PAS are any worse than ads on newspaper or magazine pages or posters on billboards. If you don't like them, ignore them, if they do interest you, click through, everybody wins. But how does blocking them and dreaming up some bollocks ethical reason to do so help anybody?

    *Well, sometimes I have fun with Wikipedia's language options and switch between random Romance, Sinitic and Germanic languages for fun... and sometimes to demonstrate to my students how Wikipedia is actually quite a useful translation tool when you're stuck for a word unlikely to be in dictionaries (technical terms, for example).

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Art On The Street, in reply to BenWilson,

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    A fertility symbol that might actually work.

    No offence to the fat boy, but you don't get a population of one point something billion without the occasional hook up....

    Anyways, he got a bit snowed on yesterday.

    And apparently somebody in Beijing wants to restart the Boer War, or something...

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Islander,

    Sorry to hear of your loss, Islander.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Art On The Street, in reply to BenWilson,

    the only non-brown part of him

    I can think of several possibilities. One is the combination of my crappy cellphone and the reflected at least twice dawn light on the last clean air day before that wave of apocalyptic pollution made it up to the northwest of Beijing. Wear, though, strikes me as the most likely possibility. It is, after all, on a university campus. Plenty of young people about.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Art On The Street,

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    Dawn, pagoda, Peking University campus this morning.

    Fat boy, round the back of the PKU School of Government building (why I chose the Art on the Street thread, but I promptly forgot as soon as I went to upload photos).

    Dawn light, reflected twice to hit the back of the School of Government's old building*, School's new building looming over it doing what it can to keep the old building dark and cold.

    *not the old School of Government building, but an old building with their name on it. By the look of the old building, when it was built, PKU was located in the Red Building in the centre of Beijing near the National Art Gallery.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Someone, Somewhere, In Summertime, in reply to Russell Brown,

    It was fun light.

    Air pollution does have that advantage [he types wondering just what colour his lungs are after all these years... ] but sheesh, are the fires that bad? Bloody hell...

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

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