Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Wellingon Police dipping their toes in Aukland Water?
    I think you're very cold there.

    Good point.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Terrorism is a term popularised by American fascists. Therefore, I don't use it. End of point.

    But ... but ... but ... you've just spent pages and pages not only using it but demanding that everyone accept your point about how important its proper definition in law is. WTF?

    I'm honestly not trying to have a go at you, and I'll let your unwarranted snark about the forum pass. I just genuinely don't get it.

    Perhaps we could let this go now, because it really is pointless.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    I guess I'm wrong. Chalk one up for the Talkbackification of all things journalistic.

    Oh come on . Actual working lawyers have responded to your point in this thread. You've simply ignored them.

    I don't expect you to change your view on it, but I'd also be grateful if you weren't to sulk because other people disagree with you.

    I would have thought we could avoid the maudlin and really focus on nutting out issues, especially those that have arisen out of a post.

    But you don't seem to be discussing the issues. You seem more determined to have a debate about the meaning of "is".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Nicked this from the Kiwiblog thread

    Which goes like this:

    The key OIA question relating to this was:

    "16. Information which confirms that Watercare Services Ltd has ever employed (including by contract) anyone directly related (spouse, sibling, son or daughter, brother or sister in law) to yourself, Minister of Internal Affairs. If so, when, for what purpose and was the appointment contestable?"





    That would be the Mark Ford who's just been named to head the Auckland Transition Agency. If there's anything in this, it's bloody spectacular.

    Caveat: the release in question is the work of Penny Bright. Contents may not be sane.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    BTW, the defamation case in which Worth is down to give evidence was reported in 2007.

    Glucina's mother claims to have been defamed because Saunders allegedly linked a weird poison-pen letter she received to her.

    These people are like infants.

    Which means it must be Whaleoil time.

    There's some bizarre generational Eastern suburbs feud being worked out here.

    But it did make The Guardian!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    From Colin Espiner's blog:

    UPDATE: Well, I've just returned from a quite extraordinary press conference with John Key.

    It took a long time to get any details at all. But it transpires that Key's office was contacted last week by a third party with some information about Worth that relates to a criminal matter. Worth had not told the PM about this matter. The PM confronted Worth, a discussion ensued, and ended with Worth tendering his resignation. Key told us: "If he hadn't resigned I would have sacked him.''

    Key told us it was a criminal matter, although Worth hasn't been charged with anything. The police have just released a very short statement saying they are investigating a complaint against a sitting member of Parliament. They do not even name Worth, though the PM has confirmed it is Worth.

    What it is Worth is alleged to have done we do not know. However, the PM has said it has nothing to do with Worth's business dealings, or the trip to India. We asked him if the complainant was a woman, or whether it related to any sexual matter, and Key replied: "I am not at liberty to say.''

    This doesn't seem to me to be a very sustainable position. Already the internet is full of rumours relating to this police complaint, some of them pretty ugly. I cannot believe neither Worth nor Key wishes to clear this up before it gets out of hand.

    Clearly, whatever the allegation is, Key no longer wants him in his administration - regardless of whether or not he is guilty. "I have lost confidence in him for a number of reasons,'' Key told us. He would not say what they were. He also indicated he was unsure whether Worth should even remain an MP.

    Given Worth is - or was, until last night, a minister of the Crown pulling $200K-plus, the public deserves a full explanation in my opinion.

    Obviously this is a very sensitive matter, but Key has no reason to protect Worth. I'm also surprised the police have been so unforthcoming.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: The Super Fun(d) Shell Game,

    Of interest this morning...

    Investment returns boost Crown accounts

    For the 10 months to April 2009, the Super Fund generated $800 million, ACC $500 million and the EQC $200 million.

    The Crown accounts remain in deficit, though investment gains from the New Zealand Super Fund, ACC and the EQC, has put the operating balance $1.1 billion ahead of forecast.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    The Kiwiblog thread is hilarious. Underneath a post in which yer actual DPF lashes Key for being way too cute and un-transparent, they've now convinced themselves that he is a model of openness and transparency, not like that evil bitch Klark, etc, etc ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    itchy trigger finger.


    I think he was quite clearly behaving as a newbie, he had a point but didn't know how to make it. you see it differently,

    Grant wasn't a newbie. He'd made more than 250 posts (as you should have been able to see before making that claim), and I've previously let go comments that were very offensive. But what he was doing was classic troll behaviour, as Rich and others pointed out.

    Now that you've made this thread a discussion about yourself, ignored what others say, sneered at the forum itself and attempted to set people against each other, perhaps you could consider that your work is done here and either go away or stay and discuss the topic.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu, terror and Susan Boyle,

    Brickley has a point and it's one of a trend to use hyperbole and generalisation to describe situations.
    if you want to be intellectuals then you're going to have to get your terms correct however inconvenient it might be.

    Sigh ... Brickley's argument was fairly tendentious, but I think he has been arguing in good faith. But other people do have the right to take issue with him.

    While I disagree with grants position he was objecting to people lumping his grandma who disagrees with abortion in with the twat who shot and killed the guy yesterday.

    And as everyone but he and you seems to grasp, no one was saying that. He was quite clearly behaving as a troll.

    I'm not going to bother restating all the specific evidence offered about anti-abortion violence in the US over the past quarter of a century. You won't acknowledge it anyway.

    sofie - got to say, I expect more of you, some others not so much, but you,...

    Did you just drop by to offer patronising observations on a debate to which you have offered nothing yourself?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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