Posts by Sacha
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Fabulous. Send the man some coffee! (oh, different thread)
make Emma wear
Good luck with that. :)
And I must have missed the purpose of this dress-up opportunity upthread.
And it's an American submarine..
Best reunion ever: Grosse Point Blank.
Seconded. Real ones would just be a let down.
Saw headline, expected something allegorical, great to have you back. Succumbed to any shopping urges?
I have been tempted to do that myself on occasion
I managed to wheedle my way behind a workplace cafe's large machine often driven by self-confessed unskilled staff, only to find it was so automated that there was no room to finesse anything. Harumph.
Does the owner give the free coffee as he sees fit?
I've had that deal going at times with some regular venues - up to them to decide who to donate to, and I get the warm feeling of helping a fellow addict in need.
I'd say it goes beyond being told to. Embraced as an aspect of national identity, even. Will take some shaking off.
Or the motto of New Zealand Fashion Week: We know you're not a colour-blind child prostitute with an eating disorder, but where's the fun in that?
equating placing a lamington on John Boscawen's head with "the crimes of the Khmer Rouge"
So, a pink lamington then.
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