Posts by Sacha
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rather questionable attitudes
You mean he blows goats, surely.
With which would you rather have a drink?
I see you are honing your skills at composing referendum questions.
I would count "Farrar's free-range troll farm" as sufficient warning. :)
God, you mean they might be related? Or am I remembering the surname wrong too?
Isn't d4j some guy from Tauranga called Russell Burns? Is Peter a relative who is doing the hosting, etc?
The good men's groups are either not seeking or getting media attention. The ones who most fit the convenient media template of conflict and noise are the d4j's and blackshirts of the world.
For an example ofd the good guys, Auckland's Rex McCann has spent decades building the Essentially Men workshops and network and quietly fostering the movement along with many others throughout the country.
At least they don't have a radio show like other offensive Orstralians.
it was "just one of those things"
The AA seems a much better example than a church, Graeme.
without coming to the conclusion that Italian-Americans are all sociopathic gangsters with Tourettes.
Must be when they're not driving ice cream vans.
I can't make you stop sounding like Peter Sledmere in my head
I was going to say..
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