Posts by Jan Farr

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  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    with the charge often led by freemarketeers--partly because such consumption is central to their cultural capital. But I guess we should never expect consistency nor self-examination from such folk.

    Who are you calling a free marketeer?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I mostly listen to classical music. I just fail to comprehend why the taxpayer should pay for the broadcasting and performance of it.

    Because if we don't then it will most likely become a dead, white, European blokes' art form with very little to say to us.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I think I deleted your double-posts while you were trying to edit them ...

    Thanks - I thought I'd had too much coffee.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Has something gone wrong with the edit button, or is PA just overwhelmed with contributors at the moment?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Another strong argument in favor of the axe.

    OK Danyl - let's just listen to your kind of music.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    not by long-dead white Europeans whose local audience are amongst our most wealthy - and the most accustomed to subsidy it seems.

    Actually Sacha, they're not all dead and they don't all come from Europe - and their audience is not all wealthy - but your description could quickly become an accurate prediction if we get Robyn's scenario.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    It's likely that if classical music is left to the private sector we'll get an endless repeat of RNZ's (excellent for their purpose) Saturday Night Requests - with such classics as Flight of the Bumble, Rustle of Spring and maybe the Hallelujah Chorus. You'll probably have to say goodbye to the development of New Zealand composers. Perhaps I'm in the minority - but I would mind. And I pay taxes.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: You're all fabulous,

    Call me old-fashioned but I can't stop playing 'Stroke' - thanks so much for drawing my attention to it - most of my family will (I hope) be similarly grateful at Christmas. Also loved Rosie Tin Tea Caddy, who we were lucky enough to see in the flesh at The Lounge in Carterton.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    I supported the principle that they were fighting for - namely that decisions about refugees shouldn't be a case of quiet decisions behind closed doors nudge nudge wink wink, but IMHO Zaoui was the wrong battle to wage that fight.

    Trouble is, if you wait for the perfect one....

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    I try to save iambic pentameter for my really bad poetry which nobody is ever going to see.

    Oooh, I'm impressed! (and tossing away dactyls today)

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

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