Posts by Jan Farr

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  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    Craig, why did you turn 'I am' into 'me'?

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    she's a better woman that I am.

    Probably no doubt on that one, Craig.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    - Not Kim Hill's finest moment... in fact she was damn rude... I haven't given up on her completely yet, but I'm damn close...

    I thought maybe she'd read one too many books the night before and drunk a squidgeon too much coffee.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    Someone should alert CYPFS.

    I'm reasonably sure she doesn't read these pages, but I feel that's going a little far.

    Sorry to offend, Lucy - just another case of name leading to nature.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: The March for Democracy,

    I thought Yulia's image was being managed to be much more neutral to avoid harming her "brand".

    But she's getting ready for motherhood .

    Someone should alert CYPFS.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Save the King's Arms,

    A commenter over at The Hand Mirror suggested recently that now we have the Evil Stepfather State.

    I like that. I've been thinking, Bully State.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Discussion: Closer to Home?,

    To half quote Rob Muldoon, it seems that many of the expats living in Australia and expressing Views, may have raised the IQ level of at least this country.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where the crazy comes from,

    The irony is that the guy with the really troubling political past is Loudon himself.

    As one whose ideological undies have been sniffed by Louden (whose nose cannot be relied upon to come up with anything much like the truth) I thank you for that Russell.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    At the moment Labour is having to avoid the trip-wires of hostile journalists like Guyon Espiner. Espiner's heavy-handed, pre-conference interview with Goff was more like a fishing expedition, looking for 'Gotcha' headline quotes. It ended with his repetitive demand: 'Do you trust John Key?' I think Goff did a good job of dealing with that interview calmly, without allowing Espiner any points.

    Vernon Small in the Dominion this morning might be surprised at the Party's 'forward focus' - but few in the Party are. There's new Party leadership in President Andrew Little and Secretary Chris Flatt; a decisive win in Mt Albert; good campaigning around the adult community education; a highly active and effective youth section; effective use of electronic communication networks and lots of grassroots activity.

    I'm not despairing yet. And I'm certainly not thinking of getting used to this government just because it's the government - what an odd idea!

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Footnotes,

    I'm concerned that this is how 'justice' is decided.

    Ten people listened to the evidence and came up with coherent views, two people refused to - I thought the solution was quite fair. We gave them time and space to come up with constructive arguments and they couldn't. The alternative was to stay there for another five hours in a small, stuffy room with instant coffee and horrible tea bags. Possibly this is how juries work. As I say, I don't know - I've only been on two. In the end, if there's disagreement, someone has to give in or the process goes on forever.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

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