Posts by Sacha
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disproportionate thread assessment
Yours, Giovanni. :)
Just not one that involves winding back the clock 50 years first.
I have a lot of time for a nuanced discussion about gender and violence, believe me.
obliged to quietly and politely repeat myself over and over again to someone who isn't listening to me
Pretty much where I got to over at Red Alert about Maori seats for the Auckland Council. Screw being polite, I have better things to do than wrestle with pigs.
I love the generally low pork quota around here.
I forgot about that. Much love from me for tomorrow, Emma.
Andrew, no one's asking for perfection, but when't the last time you saw singificant public money invested in encouraging men not to be dicks towards others, rather than women to lock themselves in a nunnery to avoid said men?
Can I just say that I want whatever made Giovanni so damn funny this morning. Haven't laughed so consistently for ages.
Give the man a medal. I'm sure he'll figure out where to pin it for maximum effect. And then others will describe why, wittily. :)
the bust conductor
Emma is fifteen different kinds of awesome.
That's a better way of putting it. I hereby outsource my thinking while I soak my brain in a jar of brine.
A wistful sign would have to be Sartre or suchlike?
Someone pointed out to me recently that my visiting Existentialism lecturer Robert C. Solomon was in Linklater's Waking Life and caused some stir by dying at Zurich airport. I didn't notice it was him in the film, but he changed my life many years earlier.
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