Posts by Sacha
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Ben, I have some sympathy with trusting people to know what's right for them in many cases.
However if people believe something then it is true that they believe it. That's all. The world was not actually flat just because most medieval europeans thought so (or were told to think so).
With harms and risks in particular, there is an interesting relationship between perception and evidence. Our primitive lizard brains often lead us astray.
For instance as we were discusing on another thread, men are far more likely to be assaulted in public than women are. Yet who feels more at risk when surveyed?
One question is therefore whether public policy should be based on evidence.
I think the bullwhip case details may have been legally suppressed to protect the victim. No links to offer right now, anyway. Others may find some.
And I would like someone who knows more to pick up on the equivalent rules around correcting animals.
Get thee behind me
gay badinage
I get a mincing badger troupe for some reason. Kind of Hero parade crossed with the wombles. <ducks>
Where on my chest is my top's neckline allowed to be before I bear responsibility for my attack? How long must my skirt be? How low should my heels be? What percentage of responsibility do I bear if my heels are higher than, say, 2cm? If I never leave the house again and wear retro Victorian garb, do I win a special prize for being modest enough?
I believe sharia law may have some of the answers.
outpatient stylee
Well that postitively reframes some memories for me. Thanks.
What's the equivalent legal wording about not being allowed to "correct" pets?
I'd like to hear the views of a certain Nelson jury about that one.
Getting your child our of the way of a speeding train from a distance when your trusty bullwhip was the only extensible option to hand? Of course, repeated whipping might be harder to explain..
disproportionate thread assessment
I was thinking something more fashion oriented - like percale count.
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