Posts by merc

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  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Sometimes R. you've got to kill all your darlings. Maudoon goes, now.
    New Zealand’s apology to Samoa
    From NZ Ecyclopedia
    In June 2002 New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark formally apologised to Samoa for three actions taken by the New Zealand administration between 1918 and 1929: allowing the ship Talune, carrying passengers with influenza (our PM actually!), to dock in Apia, which resulted in the deaths of 1 in 5 Samoans; shooting non-violent protestors in December 1929; and banishing Samoan leaders and stripping them of their chiefly titles.
    Hamish, if you want that part you better start kissing some ass, also, stop hiding beind that ass with the ears and post photos, of you, in tights, quickly now.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Nice R. nice, but get Muldoon the hell out of it now, don't you know who will be funding this? Here's some history for you. And here's where your brilliant writing will land me.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    R. I'"ll sign the bloody talent OK!

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    But that's Puck isn't it? And I told you (I didn't but nevermind), if you want to have chess playing, we go with Iain M Banks description of 3D chess in Walking On Glass, now that's going to require a whole lot of C.G. and Weta are great for channeling I mean obtaining HUGE funds, love it run with it and I'll be back to about the part, really, at some point, soon...

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Random Play: So You Wanna Be A…,

    I have had some of the best (even, calm, insightful and interesting) conversations re NZ and NZer's in Australia, with Australians, really.
    Although Australian feral surfers have alot to answer for but that's a whole different can of lolrus.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    My clifftop mansion, leather gimp suit, chopper and Power Book for starters, oh and a 250 million dollar tax cut. Anyhoo, I think The Cyclist had just entered the shack and monologued some bloody thing, we need to move the action outside, including the G, so I think we need some grant funds for a locations search. I really need to surf Samoa this winter, so I think we should start there and we can work in some Germans, WW1, NZ Foreign Policy (must sanitise remember the Patron!), diseased Prime Ministers and death of Samoan Patriots. I'll also be wanting to have a fale with an unhindered view of Salani Rights and access to a boat and boatman, oh and a custom islands surfboard with my Movie Company logo on it.
    This is starting to feel right, eh, now, more words you worthless hack, I kid you, I kid you mon frere!

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    R. honest, you weren't written out, we value your input, value I say. However, please stop referring to other non-studio projects, this script is pre, pre, pre, pre, pre draft for Funding purposes, capiche? I know in a more romantic world (pre McCarthy and Meet Teh Feebles) we would be going for a money shot script, well with this project...we still are.
    There will be a whole raft of further inclusions required as we get closer to teh money and my goodies, I mean props.
    Now, get back to work and send more words before I re-negotiate your tights allowance!

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Hamish, we value your input, an extra part may come available, however as you can appreciate renumeration for any past or future endeavours will be on a discretionary basis. Re. in tights, how hot and do you have a talent tape?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Hamish, I am deadly serious about the tights. A piano, sorry I don't personally want a piano, I want a Power Book. If you're not going to fall into line with the scripting process we have a little Kiwi sitcom you can work on called, Funny, It's A Kiwi Lampshade!!!" Capiche?
    BTW, Timmy has been removed from the script, thanks for your input, any questions talk to my PA, or do you want us to remove your co-screenwriter end credit?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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