Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Speaker: Good Times on High Street,

    I missed most of the Box/Celebre era through being either out of the country or back with a young family, but I do recall coming back for the summer of 1989 all fizzed up with the acid house revolution.

    I staged a couple of big house parties at the Power Station, under the name Housequake!, and we pulled 1200 people to the second one.

    You might have expected the guy running the town's hippest club would have been a bit antsy about that (especially seeing as I was a bit "nightclubs are bullshit" at the time), but Simon's response was to warmly congratulate me. I'm sure he's forgotten it, but I thought he was very cool about it. But then, he's a cool dude.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    For those wondering what kind of fowl Chuck is:

    Talkback caller supplied Davis pictures
    Sep 24, 2006 7:59 AM

    The man whose actions pushed rumours about the prime minister's husband into the public domain has outed himself.

    Pictures of Peter Davis in an embrace with another man, and the innuendo attached to them, sparked one of the most bitter weeks in New Zealand political history.

    The man who gave them to Investigate magazine is Chuck Bird, a 62-year-old former Labour supporter, who turned away from the party because of its support for gay rights.

    Bird is a frequent talkback caller, often commenting on mens' issues and railing against what he sees as militant feminism and the promotion of homosexuality.

    Bird told the Sunday Star-Times he was sent a DVD containing the images of Peter Davis hugging another man on election night and passed it on to Investigate magazine as part of his ongoing campaign against social engineering.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    I should clarify that I wasn't defvending Chuck at all when I said we don't know what the jury thought. He was trying to link their lengthy deliberations to the possibility that the jury found him guilty because of the flick, not the punch.

    Which would be a bizarre decision. You're right in saying we don't know what the jury was thinking, but Chuck and Bob's equivocation is pretty far-fetched.

    For the record:

    - No one gave evidence of seeing the cycle accident Mason says provoked his anger.

    - Schoolteacher Belinda Payne told the court she witnessed the punch in the face.

    - So did a 15 year-old boy.

    - Senior Constable Andrea Trenchard told the court she was crossing the bridge and saw Mason shouting and swearing at his boys. She was asked to intervene by Payne. Mason told her "I hit the big one in the face and that is what I do and that lady can mind her own business." She took the situation seriously enough to summon half a dozen colleagues from the nearby police station.

    By the time he got to court, Mason had decided there was no punch, and told the court he had only pulled his son's hair.

    The other two assault counts related to Mason picking up both boys (including the two year-old, who he had previously told reporters was "drifting in and out of consciousness" after crashing his bike) while on their bikes and slamming them down. I imagine there would have been a lively debate as to whether that was assault.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    Steven. Grrrr. I removed your very ill-advised last sentence there.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,

    I chatted about this with someone who works on the web site at my university - he candidly admitted that 'number of unique browers' tends to overstate visitor numbers by a factor of about 20.

    I'm guessing he was talking about his own logs. It's always something of a disappointment when you compare your internal stats for unique browsers to Nielsen's, because Nielsen's are invariably considerably lower (although certainly not 20x lower). Nielsen and Google Analytics numbers are generally close in my experience.

    In short, if Nielsen was as far out of whack as you suggest, we wouldn't be able to do the traffic we do.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Well, Brash is getting some relief from his email angst:

    Police to analyse Brash email case

    Hopefully this will put paid to the absurd demands from Fran O'Sullivam et al for Key to order a full Commission of Inquiry.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Anyway, must go off and make a TV show. While I would be delighted to see same-sex marriage as a reality tomorrow (this afternoon would be better) on a personal level, my response to two key points in the thread ...

    - Everyone should be able to marry
    - Marriage as we know it should be abolished

    ... is still that I'm not quite bothered enough about marriage to have really strong personal feelings about it. I couldn't even tell you why ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Not quite what you're after, Emma, but amusing in the usual monstrous fashion.

    From Christian News New Zealand earlier this month:


    Family First NZ is welcoming the latest statistics on marriage, civil unions and divorce showing a declining rate of divorce, and an increasing number of marriages over the past decade.

    While the marriage rate has retained its demand and relevance, the demand for civil unions has been negligible.

    “The civil unions legislation has proved to be a complete white elephant,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ, “despite the claims by the previous government that it would supposedly strengthen human rights and support the choices of apparently 300,000 people who were not married but lived in stable relationships.”

    Oh, let's see ... ZOMG, civil unions are going to destroy marriage!

    So it turns out marriage is up and divorce is down ... See! We were right!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    Contempt for commenting on what the jury did or thought? It's not contempt. It's freedom of speech.

    Quite. Even rank idiots have that right.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    McCroskie writes it down

    Without wishing to deprive Scoop of any page views, here's part of it:

    Family First NZ says that if Christchurch father Jimmy Mason has been found guilty of punching his son in the face, then his conviction is completely justified.

    "But the jury may have decided that it was only an ear flick, which Jimmy Mason himself admitted doing," says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    "The jury may not have believed that a punch happened, but had to convict the father for the ear flick because it was deemed correction."

    This is so unbelievably disingenuous, I can barely convey my contempt for it.

    But I'll try: The judge made a point of observing that the jury had accepted the evidence of witnesses. The witnesses said Mason punched his four year-old in the face with a closed fist, and was unrepentant it about after the fact.

    I didn't really think my disgust for McCoskrie could get any greater. But it has. Yet again, he has put up his hand as an enabler of child abuse. There is no other way of seeing it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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