Posts by Sacha
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Tree-panting is not such a bad term..
It's all a distraction. Nick Smith is getting away with lying about the facts.
The most obvious one is throwing around a figure of "24%" gross increase in emissions since 1990 (without mentioning the big offsetting decrease through tree-panting). He follows up by claiming that a 40% net reduction target therefore means we'd have to give up "64%" in the next decade. Of course that sounds impossibly high, alongside the wailings of recalcitrant truckies and dairy farmers. Especially when the NZIER report you rely on conveniently assumes that no one would or could change their behaviour.
There are not enough media simply calling bullshit when he tries it on. They'd rather report a spat with an actor. Who benefits from that?
I agree. He's hardly going to get any time off for remorse.
Another classic example - man of the people Cameron Brewer reminds us "Unemployment rate not as bad as overseas". Well, that's OK then.
Snap! And for once, I managed a more concise comment than Russell.
Degrees of dissent. Not playin, passin through..
Craig, I believe the Dixie Chicks were bodily threatened in seedy clubs and truckstops all over the south. Probly the closest you could get to a Repub fatwa. Pass me some ribs.
No! Spot was a bloody Australian ring-in? What is it with Telecom and foreigners?
Hmmm. What type of pooch would an engineer have?
Lassie might front well.
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