Posts by Sacha
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I prefer not to use the "S" word myself - unless we're talking about food, o course.
They're too busy dancing about architecture.
The word "hut" should be a clue.
I ate Italian cuisine cooked by a Japanese chef once - precise and awesome.
Hilary, that sounds great - creating food together is something everyone should get a chance to experience.
Did you spot the pretty well-informed Herald editorial today taking the gummint to task for chopping the extra physical therapy funding, and making clear why ORRS is not going to make up for that?
Paul, how did they get the picture of your daughter? I'll understand if you can't say here.
I like pesto on mine.
Note that the sports derail worked better than the music one. :)
Not a sports fan either, and relaxed that I may be missing gems buried there. Am not talking about that level of detail and it's probably not a big deal for most. It happens partly because Public Address has multiple authors and topics per thread, but that's not the whole story. I raised it here in context of seeking improvements to the way the site works.
Basically, I should not have to check the rest of the site before continuing an existing conversation. Today's example that prompted me is this post of mine and this new thread where it might have been better placed - if I had known what it was about before I posted.
Does using the RSS feed as the main interface get around this, by providing a short overview of all posts?
Seems easy enough for the creator of a thread to know that they are duplicating one of the main topics of a previous one, hence my suggested manual workaround.
Tagging might offer up some more automated search/interface possibilites, but again only if the author or readers apply the tags while knowing about related conversations.
One thing about how the site works which is not amenable to technology - other than through tagging perhaps - is the propensity for authors to start up new threads which duplicate the conversation already happening on other ones.
If the author could just take the time to post a link from the old thread to the new one that would be marvellous. Have found many times lately that if I return to a thread and respond, I subsequently discover that the conversation has moved elsewhere.
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