Posts by Chris Waugh

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  • Hard News: Looking at Leveson, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    More often than not, it’s a euphemism for suicide. These fellas make Iain Stables look like Dougal Stevenson.

    I was under the impression there were rules about the reporting of suicides, the weak justification being that they don't want people to read about a suicide and try it out for themselves. I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the NZ media is required by law to report it in euphemism.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Farmer Green,

    there is no story yet that is going to generate enthusiasm among those who do not farm. That doesn’t really matter does it?

    Well, now that I strongly disagree with. Our food has got to come from somewhere, and it seems to me that both nature and science say our food comes best from farms. I don't think it's a lack of a story, but how the story is being framed - and that's where I think people like you come in very useful, arguing both passionately and rationally for farming methods that feed our people without buggering up the environment. And it does matter because if our farmers don't feed us, who will? Monsanto?

    So please, let's keep this conversation going.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: Looking at Leveson,

    And just what are we to make of this?

    The blurring of lines in television is part of a wider trend in media to exert greater marketing influence over news values, emphasising news as a commodity rather than a service.

    Maybe I'm getting old, but I'd really rather be informed than marketed to.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Address 2012 Word…, in reply to Scott Chris,


    Dunno. Here's what the Herald has to say. Scary reading.

    Weather-bomb is an interesting word. When did that get coined? I don't remember seeing it much more than 3 or 4 years ago.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Address 2012 Word…,

    waay off topic. Just saw this post on Weibo reporting a tornado in west Auckland, 3 dead. I hope those of you in Auckland are safe.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: Switched on Gardener: to what…, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    So the next attempted gang patch ban should include police uniforms in the definition of banned gang insignia? I can imagine that going down real well with the law and orderers.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to Nora Leggs,

    With a walk like that

    Most of my Dunedin years I lived in North East Valley or Opoho, so walked through the Gardens most mornings. I remember it getting a bit muddy in the winter, but it certainly is a very pleasant commute.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to Hebe,


    A cold norwester seems a contradiction where I’m sitting.

    Yeah, I bet your norwester doesn't cause frost to form on the insides of your windows. It looks much prettier with some sun behind it, but it's a grey sky today. Apparently we can look forward to a high of minus 1.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to Hebe,

    the northwester strengthened

    I'm almost jealous. Our norwester has been doing the same strengthening, only it does the opposite temperature. Today's paper said minus 8 tonight. Today is not the first day the temperature failed to make it up to zero. I'm not sure whose norwester is drier, though. Almost jealous because on the whole I prefer the cold. One can always pile on more clothes.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Farmer Green,

    And a presence on blogs such as this has little impact if any, even if other farmers were to stumble upon it.

    Maybe, maybe not. You've certainly had an impact on discussions here, and I'd be willing to bet other farmers are reading, and you may well have piqued their curiosity. I'm with BenWilson in asking if you have a website. If not, why not start a blog of your own putting all of these ideas of yours out there? I don't know how much traffic this guy gets, but he's got a message and he's putting it all in one place for those curious to see. No reason you couldn't do the same, assuming you aren't already, and you may well make a bigger difference than you realise if you do.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

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