Posts by Sacha
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Or we could add google-vitamins to every browser. :)
So, exiled to convict-land then? :)
in regards to transitory debates like this - how can the path between the journo asking the questions and someone putting their head above the parapet to answer?
Kerry, I wasn't really talking about journos when the story pops up like this. Good point though.
Our publicly funded health system should be investing in genuine and ongoing informed consent, which would provide some grounding when public discussions do arise.
It has to be seen as broader than brochures given to individuals by genial doctors. Health education and promotion already goes further. Families, whanau, communities and society have a stake and need to be informed and engaged. Media and educational sectors are influential stakeholders. There's no reason why targetted information kits and training resources couldn't be part of it.
I'm also thinking of models like Speakers Bureau from mental health consumer networks. Recording and properly contextualising stories from real people would mean the process can be supportive and they don't have to repeat themselves. Decisions must be informed by more than clinical perspectives, but those are also needed - so links to evidence bases are essential.
The same approach would work for many matters, so I envisage shared infrastructure, tools and relationships. Because we are pragmatic Kiwis, I am sure we can find ways to do this over time that don't cost the earth. And if we do it right, there is another export industry in the offing. It does require thinking about health as more than hospitals for sick individuals, however.
The only thing that exempts Tom S from deserving a therapeutic digital tarring & feathering is the crack-brained stupidity of his racist posts.
I was erring earlier on the side of assuming Tom was not expressing his position clearly, given that it seemed a bit off tone from his other discussions here. Hence my question about what immigration arrangements he would like to see. Did I get an answer?
I very much believe that parents should be able to make informed decisions about such things
I totally agree - and that means informed about the whole picture not a narrow slice of it. It means hearing from families and disabled adults about what life has been and is like for them.
They have to be some of the hardest decisions, and I have the utmost respect for anyone who has done that. I just think they deserve better than is currently served up. And I'm doing some things about it.
He clearly knows little about constitutional law matters
Or workplace harassment..
And by those with a narrow clinical view where any disability is a tragedy to be prevented.
Andrew Geddis reprises his position about pollies and judges sticking to their knitting in a Herald op-ed.
"recommend things Australia have done/are doing to help their productivity"
Like discover more uranium.
Isn't productivity at least partly about value? Increasing valued outputs - which hopefully would be deisgned to create better outcomes. What is "better" is a matter of political position - whether it's cheaper or more inclusive services, for example.
In the doctor example, it might mean allocating more time to patient contact or diagnostic efforts, and corresponding investment in systems to handle administrative workload and communication of repetitive information. In that sense, could patient-oriented dvds and brochures be investments in increased productivity in general practice settings?
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