Posts by Sacha
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Embitteringly, that te reo plugin is not compatible with 3.5.1
Being a late adopter triumphs again. :)
Peer rating sounds very scary. Sort of like a popularity contest but more detailed as to why people don't like you.
Jackie, I just meant the one click thumbs-up thing for each post - certainly not for the person as a whole.
I trust that enough readers here would guide me about comments worth paying extra attention to - or ignoring if in a hurry, whereas on some sites it would just tell me whether comments conformed with shallow prejudices. I expect better than playground behaviour in these parts.
We had this on the second-to-last build of Bardic Web, and it was great. Basically, a little pin you could stick next to a comment for whatever reason - I've read up to here, I need to go and check something before I reply to this, whatever. And another click removed it. Users really loved it.
Ta, Emma. Great to hear it's been done and was valuable. I was thinking you'd have good ideas for Russell given your moderating experience. Can I also note that was not the first post in the list when I searched for "Emma moderation"..
Granny stirs. John Armstrong, lately accused by some of being a gummint lapdog, is right scathing about Treasury CEO John Whitehead's latest ideological burp, and the gathering buzzards of the 90s reborn.
The constitutional implications of Whitehead's intervention seem to have gone unnoticed. That is because everyone is hardened to the Treasury playing such an overt political role.
...Clearly, however, both the Treasury and English - who this week revealingly said he wanted the reforms in the state sector to "stick" so that no future government can unravel them - are using the recession as cover to reduce the role of the state and strip back the public service to some kind of skeletal level that will make it difficult to rebuild.
...There has been the Prime Minister saying he is not philosophically opposed to privatising state enterprises.
...Meanwhile, Don Brash, market advocate and economic liberal, will head the 2025 taskforce charged with finding ways of bringing New Zealanders' standard of living back to parity with that enjoyed by Australians. Incidentally, that such a task force is deemed necessary is evidence of the bankruptcy of the Treasury's thinking when it comes to fresh ideas.
Where's that sarcasm tag when we need it. However, classic popculture response - full marks.
informed consent for what exactly?
Kerry, I hope your flu is getting better. We were talking about a health intervention, not media, so I meant the informed consent that is supposed to be part of every health or disability service experience, as defined in the Health and Disability Code (see especially Rights 5, 6 and 7).
Informed choice is great, but choice without information is pointless.
Totally agree.
Ah, interfaces. Many ideas, happy to provide more detail offline if desired. Realise some of them may be beyond current priorities/budgets but hopefully may resonate at some stage.
Edit for five minutes seems to work elsewhere. Echoing others upthread, I vote for preview to refresh any new posts - and for easier ways to add formatting.
Something to make quoting easier too - maybe linked to the Reply button. Making that button really useful - for instance, automatically citing and linking to the source post - might also provide a way of monitoring whether anyone has replied to one of my posts like someone asked for, and directing me to the replies. Might need to allow for more than one citation per post, the way we seem to reply here.
If quoting is left as tagging, given that you have non-standard formats anyway then why not shorten to <q>?
Make the standard text size bigger please - can always use the browser to make it smaller if desired but why should the default be microscopic just because young designers think it looks prettier.
I support moderators starting up new threads when really unrelated topics pop up during the day, like David has done a bit lately. Readable narrative style is enjoyable but it is harder to skip through or filter if you have less time. Some form of peer rating and tagging would be handy, along with browsing/search that used them. Reader tagging could create our own local folksonomy. With a bit of stewardship that could build into a rich PAS glossary/dictionary with its own links to related resources and opportunities for mining local content.
Not something you need on most other sites, but I am keen on the "remember where I was up to" option for those ongoing conversations. Maybe let me click on the last post before I go away, which might also let you implement this alongside a single page for all comments. If the thread goes long enough, the refreshes would make up for pageviews, surely. Perhaps the number of posts per page could be a user setting?
Heck, maybe remember which threads I had open and reload them all when I come back. Bonus points for each one loaded where I was up to, and even more for showing me posts replying to any of mine. Go on Cactus-elves, you know you want to. Bookmark All Tabs in Firefox is only partway there. Suppose I could start using RSS, but does it handle comments here or just the initial post?
Unless there are compelling pagerank advantages, putting all the contacts for each poster somewhere else would also be a better use of space and allow for new contact methods - maybe dynamically show/hide them on clicking the poster's name if they need to be on the same page?
Finally, Report needs to have some way to go promptly to the moderator's most-monitored contact method. It also needs to put you back where you were before clicking it, not on the first page of the thread.
Another Spiral author also featured on our screens this week for a few minutes as part of C4's Top 100 Pop Culture moments in NZ history show.
Or that Barry Coleman will be their NZ agent.
Thirded, 81st - brilliant summary.
Dratted preview lag. That's brilliant, Emma.
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