Posts by Danielle
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I also recall research that suggested that most people watching shows on DVRs don't fast-forward through the ads
<boggle> Buh? Whuh?
the programme to copy stuff off your iPod, which apple seems to want to make difficult for you
Which... just... grrr. Danielle smash. (Also, you know who *didn't* make that really difficult? Creative. Or iRiver.)
My favourite is Breaking Away.
"Refund? REFUND?"
(That will never not be funny to me.)
Jack, have a search for <sotto voce> 'Copyright Must Change' </sotto voce> or as we like to call it 'The Scottish Thread'.
You should obviously shop more... Nice new handbag perhaps?
Yeah, no. I think I can safely say that one thing I don't need to do is shop more. And I have a practically endless number of handbags. :)
the difficulties of going to sleep after reading on a screen
I've often fallen asleep *while* reading a screen in bed. Am I just lucky?
Oh jeez, this thread is freaking me out. What's to hate about the iPhone? It's one of the best things I've ever bought. I luuuuuuuuurve it.
(And I am not in any way an Apple fanperson. My hatred for iTunes is well-documented and I try to avoid it. I use PCs, not Macs. The only reason I bought an iPod a few years ago was because no other player came near to 160GB of storage - I loved my Creative Zen, back in the day.)
pitbull-type dogs
Sorry for the derail, but this is one of my 'things': there is an eight year old 'pitbull-type dog' lying snoring on my bed right now. The fact that she has always had a lovely temperament is actually irrelevant, because she lives behind a six foot fence we paid ten thousand dollars to have built, and is spayed and registered, and she doesn't go out without being on a lead. Breed bans will not solve asshole owner irresponsibility, because those douchebags will just move on to the next trend in dog badassery. (In the 90s they all had Rottweilers and we were supposed to be scared of them, as I recall. In the 80s it was... Dobermanns...? Anyway.)
And Windows 7 really is an improvement, and very nice to use.
It is!
Last time I said something like this, Russell responded with 'burn the witch!', but... I upgraded and I can't tell the difference. :)
As in trouser Pocket?
Women's trousers often do not have pockets. A phone *will* fit in your cleavage, but it's a precarious business keeping it there.
Danielle I thought of the recipe book thing - but if you've seen the splatter on our recipe books now ...
Yeah, but it would fit in one of those clear plastic recipe book holders a treat! Although it wouldn't have that indefinable aura of dried golden syrup on your hard-copy Edmonds...
(Huh: my current iPad-related comments are solely about cooking, accessorising, and jokes about menstruation. I feel like such a *girl*.)
Also, Minnie Cooper FTW.
*So* FTW.