Posts by Danielle
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Ms Black
For some time now I have had an uncharitable urge to... poke her in the arm. Really hard.
Gordon, we do all know what 'college' means in the American context. We've seen Animal House.
(That's a joke.)
I feel like all you non-Powerstation-ticketed people are in a virtual circle around me, closing in, staring intently at my uterus...
It's, um, a little bit freaky. :)
it seems I don't get to see them at all because some people need to do it twice
Now hang on a minute mate. That Vector show didn't sell out immediately, I'm pretty sure - there were tickets available for some days. There are currently twelve not-particularly-gougey auctions for Vector tickets on TradeMe, too. And it's hardly like you can blame hardcore fans for wanting to get tickets to a late-scheduled surprise side show that's playing in a place with 1100 capacity. That's a whole different ballgame, if you love a band lots.
(Also, I am clearly never leaving my house again apart from this, so people have the opportunity to purchase all my unbought tickets to the Dirty Projectors, the Dead Weather, Yo La Tengo, Pavement, Massive Attack, and Wilco if they like. :) )
It does seem as though people managed to get Powerstation Pixies tickets relatively easily using the presale. It worked for me, and several friends. (I was using a desktop and a laptop and hitting refresh on both every five seconds from about 11.57am, because I am an obsessive dork.)
Then again, Damian, you may have the last laugh, because March 11 is my estimated due date. So I may end up seeing neither of the Pixies shows I have tickets for, and you'll at least have one guaranteed Pixies show without worrying about going into labour early. Cheer up! </Pollyanna>
My husband went to AC/DC because they were his favourite band when he was 12. He came home giggling at the over-the-top RAWKIN ludicrousness of it all. I rather wish I'd gone myself now...
But, then again, being a wee bit altruistic may be useful in "accepting" your fate if you are one of the few. Afterall, you have then 'sacrificed' yourself for the many.
I believe Mr Spock answered this question long ago. </nerd>
ZOMG! I thought you guys were, like, too brainy for Coro??
Cecelia, you're breaking my heart! (Oof. Sorry about that.) I am *dedicated* to Coro. I get weekly email updates from the UK and everything!
overhypes the ghetto
Yeah, just a tad.
You people and your Eensy Weensy iPods are making me twitchy. You mean you can, like, deal with not having entire discographies of various artists with you at all times? What kind of crazy delayed-gratification maturity is this? :)
The notion of Dev being irresistible to two generations of women is stretching things just a little.
And oh BOY is that actor a scenery-chewer. He's an incredible cheeseball. The poor girl who plays Amber (I *love* Amber) must spend half her time trying to keep a straight face.