Posts by Sacha
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fashion advisor to David Lee Roth
I had to roflmao about that line.
Thank you for the feedback. I just saw the show myself for the first time - busy week. I looked as tired as I felt (note to self - don't close eyes even for a moment while camera on). Also seem to have unconsciously adopted my old radio habits of nodding lots rather than making noise. Maybe caffeine would have helped after all, though my head may have fallen off.
I'm not sure about Philip's final point - was the first time I'd heard that particular criticism too. My issues with Attitude (discussed in the Attitude Awards thread last year) are more about the individualised elite sports worldview and well-intentioned fixation on the wrong group of people's attitudes. However I personally think it's fair enough to select presenters who present well - and the show is designed to reach a mainstream audience who happen to love Sunday mornings. People shouldn't be doing jobs just because they are disabled (although it helps in some areas). Many disabled people aren't obvious - does that rule them out of on-air roles?
I had to reassure Sally afterwards that I'm not particularly PC about the language either - just aware of its power in change, something I share with Philip (although I'm possibly a little more pragmatic).
Before we had seen his clip played, Curtis and I were talking about those evil words we know to listen out for - "suffer", "confined", "bound", "despite", "overcome", "special", "normal", "brave", "inspiring" and so on. We get a lot of that in the media and it's just not good enough. Thanks, Russell, for creating a chance to chip away at it.
Spammers have no conscience - anything that provokes a click will do.
I remember reading that "Which Giovanni" post. Must have left before "Dell laptop lcd screen" commented.
Not Russell, but the answer is yes, definitely.
their co-dependent abusive bromance with the shit
Damn fine explanation - the sucking up goes beyond anything rationally explainable.
I'm no expert on this, but isn't the central entitlement about common law rights not the Treaty? Iwi just happen to have been around longer to form customary attachments to their rohe. And their attitude about access could even vary from hapu to hapu i imagine.
And didn't he retire?
I understand that his Garthness retired from curmudgeonly filtering of letters to the editor, but not from blessing us with his weekly wisdom.
So many relevant topics...
Bugger - I forgot to mention One in Five when Russell asked me about good examples.
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