Posts by Sacha
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He gets a free pass because of who daddy is.
That SST photo of Blubber is hilarious. Tucking his hands inside his arms to try make them look all strong instead of flabby, just like a pubescent teen would. Poor insecure bastard.
Hilary, are they putting their proceedings online? How did Martin's keynote go, and did you see Lorna Hallahan?
As you were after that burst of IM-ery.
I'm keen to go to one of the next couple of weeks before the venue shifts to the less saubrious deathstar.
Heh. Sorry to miss that chat after filming, Paul.
24 hour storm, heavy downpour: guttered :)
back so soon, lil p?
Forcing plane-spotters to squint, thus increasing customers - reckon it's an optometrist's jackup.
Misunderstood, sorry - does sound like bad marketing. I like that view.
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