Posts by Sacha
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Robert, I think he was merely saying if you get a chance, watch that series. The vagueness may have something to do with how hard it will be for you to legally achieve that.
Creators need to be taking a very active interest so developments don't all go in favour of the middlemen.
'scientific' medicine doesn't have such a great record in some areas
Auto-immune conditions like arthritis, for instance. The only quacks I've ever encountered were rheumatologists. Not that there aren't good clinical practitioners.
Can't really understand the tension between treatment options. It has always puzzled me why 'science' should automatically have precedence over much older paradigms that gave us acupuncture or herbal treatments. And why you must have either/or. The main thing is to find someone you trust as a healer, or a treatment that works for you.
Agreed. I have no problem with people holding religious beliefs either, although there are issues with making them policy just like there have been with different forms of healing.
I've had this theory for a few years now that Michael and La Toya are really the same person.
I believe that Giovanni made both of them up.
See, now I'm going to walk into some PA thing
And I'll be expecting a rugby jersey and spectacles, for some reason.
Christ. You mean there was p drivel I hadn't even seen yet?
Yet it was the worst pain I've ever experienced by a factor of 10... and I've crawled out of several car wrecks, been beaten till my eyes swelled closed, and of course kicked in the nads on occasion.
I'd recommend an autobiography.
That snot character needs some work. Gio, you must tone down its hackneyed pomo academic references a tad. The homophobic elements are inspired, but.
why do tourists ever come here?
To share a dram.
Thanks, Emma. I feel better now.
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