Posts by Sacha
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Uses words like "mojo" - caint be no fool.
I remember we had that good conversation here a few months ago about the debasement of karakia by christianity, and Mikaere linked to a traditional example. Was just before he helped Russell craft his marae welcome at Foocamp.
scientists and tehcnologists too are storytellers
Good ones, yes.
Finlay McDonald? Compare the Listener now with when he was Editor. QED.
You can't tell from his name, that's fer sure.
Is it creating the 'other'? It couldn't be someone normal , he had to be different.
Spot on.
Bloody missionaries.
Psst: I do good deals in Magnetic Blankets too! The shysters who peddle those should be shot.
Ross, if it wasn't for magnets I'd be stuffed.
Do I care that I do not understand how they work, much like acupuncture and osteopathy seem to (but homeopathy doesn't for me)?
Do I give a toss that the western medical industry has not done its historically recent form of clinical studies on them (compared with other health traditions that are thousands of years old)?
Or perhaps like many others I trust that I'm smart enough to notice the effect over time, notice when it's not there - and ask other intelligent people about their experience to decide whether to go there.
And you wonder why people have such little respect for overly-rational sad little clinicians/scientists/economists?
That's obviously the smart thing to do.
I'm starting to think Sony/BMG paid off the doctor
I heard conspiracy theories that the trial was a way of applying financial pressure to prise control of the Beatles rights.
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