Posts by Sacha
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And multiple global revenue and marketing avenues.
I'd like to see them co-funding kickarse music videos. Dialogue largely sorted. :)
I'm confused as to why the City Council should be involved with providing the Cruise Ship terminal
Mike, it's just standard corporate welfare so that the relevant industry doesn't have to pay its way. Tourists bring money in, but for some reason it's ratepayers who should foot the bill rather than the tourism industry (and the sports one in this case).
I believe the title is "first bitch". :)
I have some DHB contacts if they're needed, but probably best just start with the facility managers directly.
It would be great to see a longer-term relationship where artworks were cycled through many such places, maybe with the involvement of some trust to own/broker the art and so forth. Just the kind of thing that the traditional charitable circles would get behind.
I heard the name 'Party Central' and recalled that tragically un-hip '40-Below' function they held for grooving Nats of the Farrar generation.
Shudder. I'd mercifully forgotten that. It helps explain why the Nats believe collectives can't organise anything good when that's their reference point.
I believe the constraining factors are the expense of the large screens and the desire to retain sufficient crowd size around them. However, there's little to stop them putting one centre in Aotea Square (where the Council was already planning) and one at the bottom which as Ian says would encourage drift between them past all those lucrative watering holes.
I think you're right to say that there are unattractive aspects to the 'New Zealander' discussion, but it's easy to reduce other people's complex intuitions about identity into straw men. By framing the argument in it's most unattractive form, you're saddling your opponents with a kind of stigma.
While for some the term 'New Zealander' may represent a rejection of particular domestic narratives about indigineity, to others it may represent an affirmative sense of simply belonging to a place. Or something else.
I agree, WH - all sides are complex, and the organised campaign does not represent all the people or motivations involved. Thanks for pulling me up on it.
Now if you just chucked in some stuff about nanny state, Geoff, you'd even get Act supporters signing it.
Speaking of universal design, check the video flythrough at the local Lifetime Design site. Some new retirement villages are starting to incorporate their principles and qualify for the associated LifeMark standard. Good stuff.
I'm missing Michael King around about now.
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