Posts by Sacha
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So instead of wiping out my zits, they took over my mind?
That does fit all too well with teen behaviour.
Sorry, public access, rather than ownership.
Queens Wharf was on its way to public ownership anyway, and the surrounding waterfront planning has been going on for an eternity.
Rugby World Cup may provide some timely leverage (and the holders of our public purse always seem enthralled by claimed economic benefits of leisure events), but I suspect the impending merging of councils may have played a larger part in this deal. It is a prime example of why things are being changed, whether or not we agree with the details.
Like many built features in Auckland including most of the buildings in the CBD, I reckon that pohutukawa sculpture is clunky and lacks grace. The concept is fine.
Is there money in the budget for an old man on a bicycle to open them each morning?
Rofflenui. Neighbours alarmed.
Perhaps a BSA complaint against RNZ for lack of balance might be warranted? See news of similar Breakfast TV ruling, as mentioned by Steve.
Complainant Roger Brooking said: "No attempt was made to present the other side of the argument on sentencing and law and order issues."
The interview enabled Mr McVicar to "repeatedly air his right wing populist views about law and order, generally criticise judges for being too lenient on criminals and expound his belief this fails to send a message of deterrence to other criminals in the community".
Mr Brooking said a lawyer or a criminologist should also have been interviewed and it was inappropriate for the broadcaster to present "the reactionary views of an unqualified right wing individual as if he was the oracle of sentencing law".
He also said the presenters expressed sympathy for Mr McVicar's views.
I also recommend Chris Barton's spectacular Herald story about Jonathan and his family.
Three hours? Thought I was painstaking at times.
My cousin married one. For a while.
Rudman salutes Hide's pragmatism:
But no sooner had he talked about cutting back on social, economic and "cultural community outcomes" than he was back-tracking, quick to say public libraries were safe - because his mum would never cook him a hot meal again if he had them axed.
Last November, when he became Local Government Minister, I wondered whether he would be carrying out National Party local government policy or Act's, and highlighted the scariest sections of the latter. How, for instance, local government would have "to shed its commercial activity", leaving councils "to the core activities that produce public benefits, such as regulations, flood controls and roads".
Early this year, he said that while there is no formal definition of core services for local government, there was general acceptance that it included transport services, water services and public health and safety. Last week, he added public libraries - because, it seems, his love of hot dinners over-rode any loyalty to party dogma. There must be hope for a politician like that.
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