Posts by Sacha
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And the irony is that many Aucklanders would too, if anyone actually asked. Instead we get dithering then panic from our "leaders".
News just in - women can't write about sex says new (female) editor of UK Erotic Review.
Fiona Apple might have pulled it off.
I believe smack might have a part in Panteral correction.
Yeah, cos Mike Lee was just gagging to rush through Mallard's waterfront stadium. Proven history of being undemocratically inclined, not like that nice Mr Key.
Just to cap off the deficiency, I'm imagining Alanis warbling "isn't it erotic, don't you think?"
for the purposes of correcting the amount of ash on the end of my panatela
That brings back memories of spectacularly ugly wallpaper for some reason. And wine in boxes.
Or tasteless parades of buff silicon down the main drag.
Still, third world transport would go with the Outrageous Fortune theme. Maybe a few cars up on blocks on the lawn?
Not to mention diverting public transport funding into building more highways.
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