Posts by Sacha
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Be delighted, Russell. Put me down for a seat.
Ramsay's mum told him to say sorry. Heh.
It is amazing how we can all hear the same content in a variety of ways, but I am not compelled by all this second-guessing after the verdicts have been delivered.
Am more concerned for instance with the looming submission deadline about Auckland governance changes likely to affect this country's future for many decades. Bain's utterance, not so much.
It's a substitute for tweeting.
I thought we settled on overly empathic.
Even despite the prompting, the first thing I heard was breathe, not prick.
However the coordinated campaign before that to shift the focus onto Goff was just that - deliberate.
I agree with Craig - Goff should have shut up a week ago.
Quite. Not enough mana.
that Parliament be a place where sexual harassment allegations are taken seriously
If anything, Goff took too much responsibility for what was always the job of the Prime Minister and the senior National party hierarchy. He also took too long to shut up and get out of the way once the spin became clear.
Worth probably would have done his party more sustained political damage if he were suspended and the criminal investigation allowed to unfold. A cynical opposition would probably have been less vigorous.
In any case, Brent Edwards on RNZ news just reminded listeners that Key dumped Worth on the basis of the case being investigated by the police which Labour had no role in whatsoever. It was also noted again that unlike many previous Ministerial sackings, Key left no possiblity of rehabilitation.
Worth says he will now make his contribution by "helping New Zealand win international trade".
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