Posts by Sacha
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I won't try to represent the whole TV3 piece, and I hope you sort out their player at some stage, Craig.
The key point that Grimshaw made very calmly was that Ramsay and his handlers had insisted on her not discussing his recent well publicised infidelity, which she went along with. He then saw fit to dump on her very personally and without the slightest provocation.
So hypocrisy was a big part of the picture, as was Ramsay's general attitude about women which underlay both his infidelity and his treatment of Grimshaw. She said in that piece that she had considered saying nothing (and sticking to that "high ground" I guess) but realised that bullies need to be challenged or they keep behaving that way - so that's what she did, evenly and firmly. In an Australia that has hardly been a beacon of gender equity, that's likely to make quite an impact. Grimshaw only enhanced her mana, in my eyes.
The Gnome Party has a certain ring to it. Candidates at least as eloquent as some we've seen recently, and far less likely to get into trouble.
Bit laissez faire on the whole but that should position them comfortably in what has become the centre.
Credit to Mr Revington for jogging that particular memory.
And note the contrast between Rodney's examples of 'bad' spending and this one of 'good' spending. Oh, hang on, red on red doesn't stand out much.
We're about a week late to the Kiwiblog blame-Goff party aren't we? Yawn.
I'm sure there's a cure for that, Giovanni.
Thank you Mr Slack for your fine company last night.
Oh that's too hilarious - Banks spouting the Act talking point du jour:
"I need to put the proposition in front of the public and I need to get a buy-in and everyone needs to know where the costs are falling and how they are going to be funded"
...but only about things that matter, right?
But only th beginning..
Craig, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard's comment was about staying in the kitchen. Dry.
You're thinking of Tracy Grimshaw's statement I linked to above that mentioned Ramsay's wife and is extremely clear about the context around that.
Craig, I agree with you about newspapers being held to a professional editorial standard, and certainly not seeking to excuse their increasingly inept handling of sensitive material. I'm saying the moral obligation also applies to amateurs like Slater who you seemed to be leaving out. That's all.
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