Posts by Sacha
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It's time for our afternoon reading
Bloody librarians. :)
It was probably the word "please" what confused em.
she'd slandered Australian wildlife
I know I shouldn't, but that raised a chortle.
Going for the Bum
Arseing for it..
Fluffers? Found under the table at many an Auckland establishment according to creative gossip columnists, Andrew.
Target practice. :)
And on the previous page, I linked to one relevant point about one of the complainants being Korean - Worth's role and relationships with that particular community.
A spokesperson today said that no action would be taken against John Campbell for breaching a cordon around the scene of the seige in Devonport. The current affairs presenter had bragged at a cocktail party about scaling a nearby hill to secure an advantage over rival networks. The hostage was eventually released once the criminals began riffling through his record collection.
It was before the verdict, so whatever it was, it wasn't related to that.
Seriously, I wonder if reality tv is having a subtle influence on the expectations of editors about previously sacrosanct matters like showing scenes in the order they really occured. Kinda like North Shore's Top Model:
"Sometimes it was like, okay, it wasn't actually like that. I swear they cut little bitchy faces in (to the show) and put them in after comments where they actually weren't."
I love the way people type fast on computers in movies and telly - miraculous control.
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