Posts by Sacha
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Ah, so that's her monicker.
I believe that in his own threads David comes with a built in sarcasm tag. If he writes "call in the police" I for one am not inclined to race for the phone.
Wasn't Ms Petrie's "yes" gesture just relief that she managed the live cross without, ahem, fluffing it? Either that or she'd just pulled.
Oh look, Mr Slack has a fresh thread about sloppy media.
I believe ethnicity was constantly highlighted in the media, as noted by Bronwyn on t'other thread. Sure, cultural factors affect how harassment is treated but it seemed like lazy reporting.
Thanks, Scott.
You're most welcome, Tim. Doctorow's story about the WIPO treaty was first linked to in a thread somewhere here (can't find it any more) by Rich I think it was, so credit there. I'm waiting on a Ministerial response about our representatives resolving the interests of world trade and New Zealanders with impaired vision.
Dick Griffin seemed adamant on Q&A yesterday that Key meeting the first complainant was not a goer politically, and questioned the quality of support the PM was getting.
Craig, speaking as one who got the wrong end of that same stick recently, I do not believe anyone was labelling you as racist.
Nil or Nimh?
OK, maybe not being clear enough.
After recent revelations, I am questioning whether our earlier conversation in this thread based on material which has now been removed is legally actionable under the suppression arrangements.
I only expect an answer from a lawyer or from Russell.
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