Posts by Danielle
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strip their bodies of natural oils on daily basis, for the purposes of social conformity
The hippies! The hippies are here! Run for your lives! ;)
(Also, try being a conventionally longer-haired woman and washing with nothing but water so your 'natural oils' don't get 'stripped', and see how many jobs you get after a series of stringy-rats-tailed interviews.)
I'm sorry for your loss.
Dude, thanks for your concern, but my childlike sense of wonder is still intact for use during those pop-cultural experiences I deem worthy of it. Avatar was not one of them.
Neither did mine, I just didn't let them get in the way of having a good time at the movies.
Oh, I forgot: now we have to do the 'but I like big dumb films!' disclaimer before any criticism, to prove that we aren't overly disconnected from our 'it is what it is, just have fun with it!' id or whatever, right? So fucking tiresome. Hey, I loved Aliens, Die Hard and the latest Star Trek movie, am I allowed to criticise Avatar now?
I'm sorry if I'm a bit snappy, but FFS, is it OK for me to have had an average time at this movie and think parts of it were totally not-fun and really stupid? Because that's what happened.
using pot in moderation is quite unlikely because the idea is to get really stoned, not to just get a very, very mild stoning
I'm a little dubious, anecdata-ly, about this theory.
My eye-poking desire is centred more generally around the whole 'you ride a dragon and it chooses you and you mate for life' concept, though...
Can I just poke him in the eye anyway? Please?
Ehhhhh.... if it was supposed to be primarily a game-referencing film, that argument would be triffic. I don't think Cameron was aiming for that, though, was he? The man spoke in *his own made-up language* when accepting that first Golden Globe (I seriously cannot get over him doing that). He has Grand Messages About the World to Give Us All, not 'oh cool, that bit of the film has something to do with Resident Evil'.
(Also, now that someone has pointed out the whole Anne-McCaffrey-rip-off thing to me I sort of want to poke him in the eye.)
truly gutted by the state of 'take me to the river-nessless'
I was all convinced that he'd do 'Take Me to the River' as an encore, and then there was no encore! Horrors! (This morning's previous setlist research informed me that I shouldn't have expected either.) I would have loved 'Jesus is Waiting', too, but knew it would be unlikely.
However, he was generally fucking RAD. Swoon.
That is possibly my favourite PAS thread ever.
No love for a priori conception of felafel? Tsk.
(Also, I apologise profusely for taking the prospect of an American Civil War 2060 styles semi-seriously, thus adding to the general madness of the thread. But I was just, like, NO, as Lucy describes above. Perhaps I should have gone to the BDO after all...)
I'm using the 19thC as my guide.
Oh, giant derail ahoy, but: yes. Me too. That was the bloodiest conflict in American history and (apart from a few 'south will rise again' nutbars and some separatist guys in huts in Montana) they are seriously, SERIOUSLY unlikely to want to go through it again. See, there was this bearded guy in a top hat (who may or may not have been gay, although this is apparently knowledge, bro) who said 'the union must be preserved', and he is still widely regarded as the greatest president the country ever had. Plus even if by some weird fluke this happened in some state or other, the federal government would *crush* secessionists with the increased power they've gained in the last 150+ years. There is no giant Doomsday Secession Scenario happening in the USA in the foreseeable future.
The end of the American empire is what's happening now: they're overstretched militarily, the strains in the economy getting worse, their manufacturing base is gone, and anti-science fundamentalists and big businesses are running their debates and their government. This is the way the [empire] ends: not with a bang, but a whimper.
Country Gio and the Fush
That is brilliant. I salute you, sir.