Posts by Danielle
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would like to see cigarettes banned
This could be the squillionth chapter in the book called Things Which Would Never Work In A Million Years.
In my youth I was rather snotty about Elvis too, until ( later on) I read Slow Train to Memphis and discovered his early recordings.
That book is what made me go on a road trip to Memphis. I'm so glad I did, as we now have a brick from the original Stax building sitting on our bookshelf. (There was a record store there selling them for ten dollars apiece, with a certificate of authenticity!)
Personally, I'm waiting for the critical reappraisal of the jumpsuit Elvis period (early 70s, at least). Yes, he was a drugged-out cheeseball, but his bands were always absolutely cracking and on good days he could still sing just about anything. But hey, I have a high tolerance for maudlin tosh like 'Don't Cry Daddy', so what do I know?
my experience with students who smoke the weed is that they can't concentrate on their studies and usually fail
Oh pish posh. There are two people living in my house with masters degrees who would like to strenuously disagree with you. But they can't be bothered getting off the couch. :)
The Beatles have nil resonance for me
Are you all trying to kill me? Rich doesn't like 'Blue Monday', Geoff doesn't like The Beatles. What's next? Is someone going to tell me they think Little Richard was too over the top? Frank Sinatra isn't a very good interpretive vocalist? Bob Dylan's lyrics are too banal? Gene Krupa is a shitty drummer? :)
(I kid. After one of my best friends announced he thought Echo and the Bunnymen were the best band to come out of Liverpool, I think I used up all my quota of mock-outrage.)
Porn movies work for this
Heh. Oh lord, *there's* a birth story. 'And Sasha Grey inspired him to come into the world...'
I mostly just called him 'the parasite' for several months (much to my mother's horror).
No I can see the sun.... oh nevermind. It went away again.
I once spent a few days in Dunedin during a January. I paddled about on the beach, foolishly thinking the sea's temperature would be the same as it was further north. It was... bracing.
Danielle, will you just have the baby please? :)
I am not due until *March*. You guys are totally screwed. I will be whining annoyingly for weeks yet.
it's not OK to tell a woman that it's illogical to grieve a less-than-ideal birth experience just because she has a healthy baby
Well, it's not OK to tell a woman anything about how she should be feeling, I suppose is the point. I just know what my (personal, not necessarily relevant to other people) priorities on this issue are, and all the converse pressure on the Baby Internet to feel a certain way and do certain things at the birth just make me annoyed.
Also, can we stop talking about listeria please? :) I had just about convinced myself it was OK to eat a well-washed salad, and now I'm considering spending the rest of the summer eating a menu consisting entirely of items heated to 100+ degrees. Refreshing!
Okay, unless you were the Queen of somewhere, in which case it became a live-action event for important people.
And wouldn't that have been fun? 'OK, Queen Agatha, it's time for your confinement. Which in your case means a bunch of monocled government officials with sideburns watching while you squeeze the all-important heir out of your coochie. Oh, and we WILL be totally disappointed if it's a girl, just in case you were wondering.'