Posts by kmont

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  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    blinded objective assessment


    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    This "outing" or "mainstreaming" bollox is another rort we should face as a nation.

    What the hell is "outing"? Do we have a large number of gay teenagers falling through the gaps?

    Slow down with the posting and breathe ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    It's a slight non sequiter, but it's a response to the view that not condeming State and Police action as terrorism implies a disregard for Maori grievances.

    That is not my view. I don't think that is a widely held view. My example was simply put forward in case people wanted to check out that specific case for themselves. It doesn't have to do with Tame Iti but it does have to do with the wider context.
    I actually find quite easy to critisize the police without throwing the word terrorist around for rhetorical effect. I think focusing on the actual issues rather than the rhetorical florishes of people trying to make a political point is a lot more useful in understanding the issues.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    Although the central issue clearly is about Maori ownership of the land, which is as it should be.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    I agree most people would but agreeing with the need to make redress for colonisation does not mean being unable to question the motivation and judgement of some of the more strident advocates of Maori rights.

    At no point did I suggest that anyone was unable to question the motivation and judgement of some of the more strident advocates of Maori rights.
    I really do recommend that film, there is more than redress for colonisation at play, it is very topical because of the focus on subdividing costal land, foreign investment and camping damnit!

    Think of the campers ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    Can Tuhoe use the Waitangi Tribunal, and still claim that the treaty doesn't apply becasue they didn't sign it?

    What would you do in their position?

    There are vast tracts of land owned by the Crown (such as the conservation estate) and State Owned Enterprises (the remnants of the old government monopoly services/businesses, including forests and farms) that are subject to unresolved Waitangi Tribunal (Treaty) claims.

    A Pakeha farmer purchased the land intending to subdivide it at huge profit despite knowing that it was subject to a Waitangi Tribunal claim.

    For an example of this I recommend the documentary "The Last Resort" which you can find here.

    If you take the time to look at that doco you may find that you learn a lot. I did. These issues effect all NZers. You can come at these issues from lots of angles but I predict that most people would find they have large areas of agreement with the Maori in that film.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Speaker: Pt 2: Terrorism Charges --…,

    he has recollections of near-identical operations around Levin during the 1990s when dealing with offenders believed to be armed and dangerous: roadblocks, locking down an entire small township, armed police in black, photographs of vehicle occupants etc.

    I would like to know for sure if there has been locking down of entire small townships and photographing of vehicle occupants in the past. The details of how and why it was carried out are important too.
    Thank you for that though.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Speaker: Pt 2: Terrorism Charges --…,

    there was not a single action undertaken by the police that would differ from what I have seen them do on numerous ocassions, even as recently as last Friday in Mirimar. Armed roadblocks? Check. Detaining suspects at gunpoint? Check. Searching all vehicles leaving a cordon by armed police? Check. Photographing occupants of vehicles? Check. Searching suspects at gunpont? Check.

    Could you provide examples of each of these? I have a vague recollection of a few examples but if you have the time spare I would appreciate it.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    Thanks for the clarification Graeme. Why isn't this kind of information more widely available?


    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,

    Perhaps a few of us could get together and agree some non-hysterical wording and as many readers as wish to can then add their names to it.

    Yes please.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

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