Posts by kmont

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    Hey Finn was it you who was going to get back to us with details about when the police last locked down a township? I would still like to know that.

    You sound like a recent convert. I don't know who’re preaching to but you might find that a lot of other people know about our history and the negative effects this has had on Maori and have spend time and energy working towards some sort of remedy but still consider the words of people like Jackson, Sykes etc to be inflammatory.

    That sounds quite patronising to me Neil. I don't find Jackson, Sykes etc to be inflammatory; challenging yes, inflammatory no. Jackson's analyisis may be a very radical challenge to middle NZ's way of thinking but his way of expressing that challenge is very measured and cogent. Besides as I have said before, I think focusing on the issues rather than the rhetorical florishes of people trying to make a political point is a lot more useful in understanding the issues. If you don't like the way that Jackson, Sykes express themselves then argue the issues not the politics. I do realise that that in itself is a naive statement ; ) but we can hope right.........

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    I don't particularly regret it because he was always a man who knew what he wanted, I wasn't. I also valued general education, and still do. But I'm not actually that convinced I got the better deal. I think the jury is out on that one. Did having a wide general education not just make me into someone who thinks they know a lot more than they really do?

    I often think that too. While I loved every minute of my broad based education I don't know how much practical use it has been. I am good at teaching myself things but I still have this gigantic student loan hanging over my head while I play catch up.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report


    Everyone seems to agree that the TSA was "incoherent" here because it was drafted for the sake of fulfilling NZ's international obligations re "the war on terror."

    Now there's been an attempt to apply said law domestically and nobody's been charged.

    And as far as I know there's no terrorism going on in NZ.

    Yet apparently the TSA now needs to be redrafted to deal with NZ's domestic terrorism problem.

    Although we never needed such legislation before, and it's only there in the first place because of our international obligations.

    So these guys and girls were guilty of terrorism, just they didn't get charged, let alone convicted?

    Cos Greg O'Conner says so?

    So everyone who was "waiting before making a judgement" has decided that their judgement is: Guilty (only not, um, under law, but, you know, that's cos the law's no good).

    Or something.

    So, conclusion: There's active terrorism in NZ; bad legislation meant it went unprosecuted; if only we'd had better legislation you'd be seeing now just how freakin scary this stuff is; better get that new, improved legislation.


    Am I missing something, or has the world gone mad?

    Finally the voice of reason. Please stick around BlindDogJack unless you have something better to do all day ; )

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tapped out and meanwhile ...,

    I am also tapped out. We still don't really have any information. The word terrorist is still being thrown around willy nilly.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report


    I don't see why it should be a question of an embarrassment for the Police.

    How odd. Either the people charged were up to something or they weren't. If they were plotting something malicious the police failed to prosecute them for the appropriate crime (conspiracy to murder, say), and they now face only very minor charges. If they weren't plotting anything then the police have wasted millions of dollars of taxpayer money on a snipe hunt while seriously damaging race-relations and embarrassing the government of the day. I don't see how this can be viewed as anything other than a catastrophe for the police.

    Thank god someone says what I want to say so I can go to bed.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    Take the example of university science education. It has been cut to the bone because it is expensive compared to humanities. We have gone from 4 hrs lectures and 6 hrs labs per week down to 3 hrs lectures and one 3 hr lab per fortnight if you are lucky, and yet the government keeps saying it wants a knowledge economy and scientists and engineers to drive it.

    From what I hear science does need more funding.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    Well there are a few dyslexic types around on PAS (and all over the place doing kick arse stuff in various fields) it can be confusing in this kind of setting until you get a sense of the person.
    Seriously Kevin, just breathe and post then I will do my best to follow what you are saying. So far all I am getting is ranting.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    I stand corrected. My apologies. I personally still find the tone very troll (due to the spelling) but I will withdraw that.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    Welcome to my blog where I hope to discuss rational approaches to governance in this country. [However I freely admit I will use laughter and ridicule to show up irrationality].

    Also from Kevin's site. Again, I don't like to throw the "T" word around (well maybe I do, but apparently it isn't polite).

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Demon E-Word,

    I am a concer researcher and Veterinary surgeon and my professional CV can be here.

    Below I reproduce some of my CV and put in some political commentary.

    That was from the CV section of Kevin's site (I know I have too much time on my hands, I am not proud......)

    I hate to throw the "T" word around, but are you a T.R.O.L.L?

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

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