Posts by Cecelia

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  • OnPoint: Dear Labour Caucus, in reply to Sacha,

    Not middle class.
    Working class roots.

    Maybe you can take the person out of the working class but you can't take the working class out of the person?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Dear Labour Caucus,

    As the 65-year old daughter of a wharfie who left school at 11 I still feel working class even though I've been a teacher all my working life and have three sons with degrees, one a PhD. I was the first of my generation to go to university but I still felt different from my more privileged peers. I've always gravitated to cheaper suburbs and I've been pretty bad, or maybe overcautious with money. I've had low expectations of my living standard, I guess.Moreover, I speak with a broad kiwi accent. I couldn't vote National if Jesus himself was leading it.
    Maybe it's just me; maybe it's a feature of my generation ...I know that I really should get over it!

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Next Labour Leader,

    In all three TV interviews and debates with Shearer and Cunliffe present I have preferred Cunliffe. When questioned about the "Show me the Money" glitch, he was generous to Phil Goff I thought. Yes, he appears too smart for his own good at times but he almost admitted that when, in one of the programmes, he said that Nanaia would humanise him! David Shearer is an awfully nice guy but heck, he looks a bit old to be a "fresh face" and Cunliffe can run rings around him in debate. What I admired about Helen Clark was her intellect: Cunliffe has that too.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Fiscal Responsibility is the…,

    I'm fiscally illiterate but just heard Cunliffe on Q and A and he sounded damn good.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ...,

    One "Keyhole" which alarmed me was a remark he made in the first (TVNZ) debate. He pooh-poohed (can't believe that was in the spell-checker) the Occupy movement, saying, "Oh well, John Minto is in it. Rent a protester!"


    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ..., in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Talking about Keyholes and broadcasts ... I'm suffering more than I did in the RWC final. This is gut wrenching stuff with Goff 's performance a surprising improvement in form in some parts of the game but a Piri Weepu final moment apparently in the very good CHCH test match.

    Come on coach! Prepare him better. My socialist heart is going pit a pat.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ..., in reply to Steve Barnes,

    I saw the Herald poll thing and was astounded. Surely even a nat party supporter would have been bored by their election broadcast. John Key can be "charming" but that was not him at his best.

    Shows what utter crap those polls are and makes me feel like tearing every hair on my head out.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ...,

    I loved the Labour ad. It hit all the right buttons for me, an old Labour voter veering towards the Greens. I thought PG was at his best. He sounded more direct and sincere than usual while his team were superb.

    I thought the Greens would have been better. I found their presentation forced or phoney and lacking in passion. The Maori Party tonight had a very unfortunate ad from the parts I saw. Like the Greens they have a lot to offer but where's the depth of vision and passionate commitment - something Labour had in spades.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: When the Game is Over, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    I feel you as Stringer Bell would say.
    But heck (I know bugger all about rugby)
    Didn't they deserve to win?
    They held on
    They had a crook kicker
    If the latter
    Had got one ball over
    It would have been
    A more

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A moment of national significance,

    I'm not a rugby fan but somehow it mattered. It mattered so much. Heart-stopping. Stomach churning. Almost unbearable.

    It's not often I feel part of the collective psyche like that.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

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