Posts by Cecelia

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  • Hard News: Leaf and Tips,

    Slightly off topic but worth mentioning is the brilliant article by Steve Braunias in the current Metro about a musician who was sent to prison for two years for selling marijuana.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to Leigh Russell,

    How do you stop little worms getting into your carrots?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand,


    Spring is sprung
    The grass is ris
    The bird is on the wing

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand,


    There's a big block of these kaka beaks by the bridge over the Orewa River. That blimmin rain has spoilt them.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…,

    I enjoyed all the interviewees: Jon Stephenson, Grant Duncan (a new face to me) and especially Nicky Hager. Did anyone see The Nation beforehand?
    I admire Rachael Smalley but she did let Stephen Joyce go on and on, so much so that it became very boring.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…,

    Brilliant programme this morning Russell.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Briefing, blaming, backing down, in reply to Ross Mason,

    That's really interesting. It's much more subtle than "class size has been proven" blah, blah, blah.Interesting that no one has taken up the "disruptive student" issue - that is a major factor in our lower decile schools. A relative of mine is sending his very bright daughter to a Catholic school because they fear "drugs" in the local intermediate. I'm sure there are drugs in every school but the disruptive student factor will worry me when my grandchildren go to school. I went to a public school myself, taught in public schools and sent my children to one but now I'm not so sure. What has changed?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Vision Thing, in reply to Grant McDougall,

    Going back to Shearer and his competence: I'm still disappointed that he was chosen over Cunliffe. David Shearer seems to be a decent human being with sterling values and many well honed skills. As a leader of the opposition he looks like a man promoted above his level of competence, however, and his use of language is woefully simplistic: new, fresh, bright. I think it would have been easier to media train David Cunliffe to tone down his arrogance than to train David Shearer to be incisive.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Capture: Roamin' Holiday, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Great shots of yon castle.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Capture: Roamin' Holiday, in reply to Jackie Clark,


    Marshall has done a fantastic job of recreating the snobbery and privilege of the time in his book. I was always fascinated by the fact that NZ had a real castle but what's with the Victorian verandahs?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

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