Posts by Sacha
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Canadian copyright violation claims dodgy, says Pat Pilcher.
...the piracy numbers quoted by the Canadian Business Software Alliance (BSA) were based on a hunch rather than any actual surveys of the Canadian public.
It turns out that the BSA (and the research company who was commissioned to create the report) used educated guesswork that appears not be based on any actual data.
Doug Armstrong, the chairman of the Auckland City Council's finance committee, wasted no time in dismissing a staff proposal to place community services such as parks, libraries, swimming pools and zoos in a separate, commercially run holding company.
Slightly different matter - that was setting the council budget in a way that adversely affected its poorest communities. The idea of commercialising services like libaries and art galleries was suggested by staff - from the finance team. Funny, that.
economic xenophobia
Craig, it's cos they're bankers , not foreigners.
Even when they promise tax cuts a well educated 12 year old could identify as completely unviable.
So are you diagnosing an epidemic of underage voting last year?
Surely fairness is not a concept exclusive to any political perspective - they just disagree about what is fair and what is not.
I/S graphs the effect on the Super fund.
a fiscal chastity belt - successive governments just have to fight the temptation to hunt for the key.
Nice metaphor - but wasn't that what boomer superannuation pre-funding was meant to be, given the efforts that supposedly went into negotiating a durable cross-party consensus?
Thanks for fleshing out the special ed funding implications, Hilary and Giovanni. I imagine my initial optimism may be similarly confounded in other Votes by the sneaky slashing that has gone on.
When the people who are in charge of delivering the funding consistently underspend their budget, and see it as a proud achievement, it means there's much, much work to do.
And some arses to be kicked by the Ministers responsible.
I find persistent mental health underspends by DHBs equally offensive. If you need more staff then f#$%kn well hire them or train them. If you need more buildings, then get on with it. If you need more leadership, then I'd say we're in trouble.
I'm holding them responsible for failing to address employment rather than for the dire global situation. I know it's complex but it seems a quite deliberate choice to focus on keeping happy the same cabal of international financiers who got the world into its current pickle. Instructive comparing what Cunliffe said beforehand about what the focus should be from Labour's point of view. I haven't caught up on all the analysis yet.
Can someone find figures about the cost per job in capital-intensive heavy construction compared with other industries? Had to laugh at English saying there were lots of jobs - installing insulation, building roads and guarding prisons. Real ambitious knowledge economy stuff.
Revenue projections certainly suck, and I don't wish Bill English's job on anyone right now. Overall this Budget was not nearly as bad as I expected, but I look forward to seeing more detail winkled out. For example, the boost in ORRS funding for disabled students is welcome after years of the Labs dragging the chain, but I notice what seems to be a large cut in funding for equipment and housing modifications (unless the responsiblity has been quietly transferred to DHBs).
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