Posts by Sacha
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Graeme, I get where you're coming from in principle. However I can't see how it makes much practical difference and I don't imagine most of our fellow citizens losing sleep over it - excepting some of our present guests of course.
No point in demonising all Nat voters. Act ones on the other hand deserve everyone's congratulations for what they have wrought.
undermines parental rights
Here we go again. Just where does this "right" to hit your children come from? And why are you so concerned about it?
going on since Adam and Eve
Skillful implication of biblical approval, I thought..
Aw, bless the Aussies.
Is Dunedin a clan? Did not know that.
Fair call, Robyn. Wasn't bagging Paul in any way, and respect his longtime PAS contributions.
Sofie, I seem to recall that idea came from their CEO and staff, not the Mayor or Councillors (some of whom publicly squashed it right away). Can't be arsed looking up the links, but it was just the Harold, methinks.
There are no doubt perfectly good arguments for privatising public assets if you think about the world a certain way.
Actually, I'd welcome all the affiliated folk to do that for this discussion. Including you, Mr Brislen.
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