Posts by Sacha
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there are two of me
Just imagine the shit she gets. :)
David, you didn't say you had Oram and Torkington there together - asking for it, surely.
If he were a mother, now that would be a whole different matter, y'understand.
Dave's views about the Mason case are elaborated here.
What Jolisa said.
Tim, thanks for sharing in such detail about the challenge "to meet our students in the world they're in and help them make connections with that knowledge." It's a most honourable kaupapa and (as on previous threads) I am impressed with your dedication. Who needs the threat of your school being sued or having its internet connection cut off because some would prefer to treat your students as if they lived in the past.
You may be aware that the concept of "fair use" from the USA is not part of New Zealand copyright law, so many of its protections that you'll read about do not apply here. You will know better than most of us that the situation in our schools also differs from our universities, not the least being the level of resource and expert support staff.
Professional education networks should be able to help clarify your options, and there have been some relevant stories in pcworld. In any case you would be well advised not to take anything here as solid legal advice, particularly from those whose response to any challenge about facts is personal abuse.
Gee, I don't think Jacinda Ardern deserves the creepy attentions of the eye-linered one either.
Deborah, given that it took me three days to catch up with this thread, you have my respect just for re-reading it, let alone making sense.
Was he asked about the statement to the police officer where he admitted hitting one of his children?
Smacking one of his toddlers in the face, you mean? Curious that the supposed perpetrator would confuse a rimshot on a cymbal with a kickdrum to the chops. I suppose it's understandable to minimise one's own wrongdoing, and interviewers should know to take that into account.
But who expects so-called journos to do actual research rather than regurgitating press releases from Family "Integrity", McCockrie and co? They ought to feel ashamed. Maybe a few official complaints to TVNZ about misleading and biased coverage would help?
Or we could send Jimmy round to play the triangle. That'd learn em.
Andrew, you may be missing the whole "government road building agency vs those who want to do anything other than drive cars" angle.
Invading the sacred tarmac is more significant than it may seem, like invading a rugby field in Hamilton helped native South Africans win their elections 14 years later.
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