Posts by Sacha
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I also believe most members of the public - like say a certain eyewitness - know the difference between a "smack" with an open hand and a "punch" with a closed one. One is also most likely to be described as a "slap" when administered to the face.
The verbal gymnastics are offensive anyway. If you want to say that all men have some god-given right to hit their children hard then have the balls to say so. If you insist vast numbers of parents are being prosecuted for slapping their kids on the legs, then show us the proof. I'd suggest you find a different poster-boy in any case, no matter how cuddly you find him.
Candyman, Candyman, Ca....
Classic result.
This stupid law makes it a lot more difficult to get someone like Mason to modify their behaviour
Compared with what? You apologists piss me off - just how many people have been victimised so far by this terrible law change? Thought so.
Again, clarifying first that I am not speaking on behalf of any of the local councils with which I have a relationship.
privatisation of Auckland's water supply
Sorry Scott I don't have the energy tonight to dig up references, but it's pretty widely talked about that one of the prizes of the merger is access to the $28b of combined assets - including the water ones, with their global market for privatisation. South Africa is another unfortunate example.
I suppose it makes sense if you want to run a Council like a business to free up cash now by flogging off large and marketable assets like that. The new Council may need that cash to pay for the nine figure transition costs - and to keep rates down if Mr Hide persuades the Nats to back his TABOR-style proposal.
Here's Bill English on behalf of John Key during the May 7 question time:
Water assets will not be privatised as a result of the restructuring. In the end, as with every other local body in New Zealand, the decisions about local body assets are made by the elected representatives of the people who live in that local body area.
Of course that was before the Transition Authority replaced those elected representatives as decision-makers, but I believe they will genuinely leave it up to the new super-Councillors to do after October 2010 (to avoid a fight in the meantime, especially with iwi).
All worth remembering when anyone asks what's at stake in how those Councillors are chosen and to where and whom they are likely to feel allegiance.
Tini Molyneux also did a separate item on hikoi organiser Ngarimu Blair
3m streaming clip - Ngarimu from 1m20 onwards.
As if English would need his dry-as-tinder arm twisted. He's been gagging to implement the orthodox solution since the last time he had control of the piggybank.
I've always gone for the simpler answer. Somebody, with authorised access (whether Brash knew they had it or not) chose to leak them to Hager.
Regardless of reassurances, Fran O'Sullivan remains convinced a full inquiry is needed into the terrible theft.
In his April 16 press statement, Quinn said police had eliminated the suggestion that an external computer hacker had breached the computer security within Parliament.
But Key - who has had a subsequent briefing - believes illegal access to the parliamentary computer system is still "most likely".
Nicky Hagar considers the framing of recent publicity, including O'Sullivan's digging.
National Party MPs proudly held up leaked papers in Parliament when they were in Opposition and would forcefully reject the idea that they had received stolen goods. The same media organisations that have done National a favour by talking about "stolen e-mails" would strongly defend their right to receive leaks without this being characterised as criminal activity. One person's theft is another person's leak. It seems to depend simply on whether you approve of the information reaching the public.
Ex-beehive staffer David Lewis mulls the conspiracy:
The inability of the police to track down any illegal activity could, just possibly, be due to the fact that there was no illegal activity. It could, just possibly, be due to the fact that one of Brash’s trusted aides is rumoured to have printed off every email he ever received. Someone, just possibly, could have copied those files one evening, and then passed them to Hager. But no. That’s crazy talk.
Jon Stewart is on the button with the underlying message about who gets to justify who they are, over and over again.
For me, there are parallels with how challenging disabling stereotypes falls largely on the shoulders of those who are least resourceful and connected. I'd rather see that load shared by all the people who can actually change things, including journalists and policymakers.
It's hardly a novel complaint, but ignorance of power is inexcusable and respect is action not just polite words.
By the way, does the curriculum contain anything these days about the positive value of intellectual property, rather than scaremongering?
And I wrote that before I read your post about being respectful. Doh.
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