Posts by Sacha
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Leverage? So it's not the dimensions of the rectangle, it's what you do with it?
It should be clarified for fresh eyes that Chuck is a known quantity around these parts, hence the harshness of some responses.
the greatest indignity offered to our butter since Marlon Brando rented an apartment in Paris
And a belated rofflenui.
The Police process in this case seems sucky. It's understandable to be pissed off about that and I get it that the Nats don't want to acknowledge it's probably one of their own. Haven't read Hager's book, but from media coverage of this the "insider leak" theory seems to fit way better than the "theft/hacking" one. That's a pretty secure electronic environment, I'm told.
Oh, I mean as well as that.
I was talking about the bike gondola, not Ms Hill-Cone. I though she lived in Manurewa now?
A Great Ride, y'mean?
I imagine the instruction not to treat this as a "test case" may have helped slow things down in the jury room.
As Russell pointed out at least twice upthread, we are told that the bloke voluntarily confessed to a witness at the time that he smacked his son in the face.
I guess Gareth and Chuck are agreeing that in the absence of much detail, spin is likely to be part of any coverage or discussion. However, some is clearly drawing more of a long bow, like that florid passage from Family "Integrity" above.
Ahem, me not Bart, trying to be a little reasonable and learn from our heated debate on that earlier Veitch thread. Please accept that I think he is a scumbag in no uncertain terms, and his claims that it was a one-off rather than a nasty streak are not credible.
I meant that all we have seen published yesterday is from Dunne-Powell's statement to the Police, and the Police prosecution statement to the Court based on that and their investigations.
I believe many would regard "proof" as a pretty strong statement of certainty, though I'm not denying on balance most of us might believe the claims to be true as published.
There's a reasonable assumption that the Police statement wouldn't include things they believed were likely to be untrue. However, a court process would test those claims and we were denied one by the plea bargain. That's all.
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