Posts by Sacha
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The problem with goose sauce is that it gets all over everything...
Another modern classic. PAS book of witticisms?
Just making snide interjections about Don Brash's alleged extra-marital sex-capades while his own marriage wasn't exactly in mint condition.
Fair point - I'd forgotten about that.
Did anyone else find it revealing that the Family Integrity quote (ta, Scott) capitalises "Man"?
With a few minutes, six uniformed police officers stood around the Man and his two little boys.
That is a damn good rejoinder, sir.
And here I was thinking you were making a cunning tranport reference..
I like the intercity farming concepts, that allow the pigs to walk to market. The idea is that the pigs live in apartments above the butchers shop, until they're plump.
The New Ruralism.
Campbell Live story here (with link to 12minute video near top), with guests "Peter Sankoff from the Law Faculty at the University of Auckland, an expert in the laws governing animal welfare, and Chris Trengrove, chairman of the Pork Board". Enjoy the host's growing disrespect for the dissembling of the porkmeister general.
Haven't followed any radio coverage, but did not hear the obvious question yet - why did the industry lobby so hard for such evil "standards" if only a small minority of farmers actually use them as Trengrove so dubiously claims? Why lie? And why would the rest of the industry risk being tainted by accusations of cruelty?
If you even try to understand, he wins.
I've no intention of retailing very unpleasant goss I've heard about the circumstances of Trevor Mallard's divorce. He's in public office -- is a senior Labour Party strategist, shadow leader of the House, was recently restored to the front bench (as education spokesman), and if it wasn't for his biffo with Tau would probably be the favourite for Finance Minister in the next Labour-lead government.
Craig, I am unaware of Mallard ever pontificating about traditional family values. That's where Rankin's hypocrisy lies, which has nothing to do with merely being in public office.
I was enjoying the coexistence of kids' entertainment and religion.
Actually, I could have been talking there about the insufferable copywrong thread..
I was enjoying the coexistence of kids' entertainment and religion. I suppose that shoudn't surprise me, really.
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