Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Speaker: ReEntry,

    When I came back from five years in London, with the love of my life and a baby, I anticipated that there would be great work to do, and little or no money for doing it -- which is exactly how it turned out.

    One advantage of coming back from a major metropolis is that for a few months you're working at big-city speed and you can get a hell of a lot done. It worked for me.

    On return, you'll feel locked out of the trivial local gossip, and that people aren't as interested as they should be in the things you've been doing out in the world. (I now always try and make a point of letting the recently-returned talk about where they've been.)

    But the funny thing was that I had much more freedom to be me in the little village at home than I'd had in London. There, I was often struggling to fit a frame dictated by people I didn't really understand. Here, we just started publishing a cool magazine -- and I started a little radio commentary called Hard News that is entering its 18th year as a brand.

    In London, that might have taken the kind of driving ambition I'd seen in the kids who came in from the home counties to London. Here, I just did it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    __I/S is demanding a prosecution of the officer who fired, but if he was acting on an express order, who's culpable?__

    I believe that question was answered rather decisively at Nuremberg.

    Was that a Godwin? Perhaps we could establish that the ultimate judgement lay with the officer pulling the trigger without introducing a comparison with Nazi war crimes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Apologies, I didn't mean to offend you.

    Oh, it takes a lot more than that to actually offend me ;-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    In this case, it looks like at least one of the officers involved wasn't totally conversant with the "beyond his target" part of the equation. Especially when shooting at someone on a moving vehicle, this shouldn't be an afterthought.

    How much would it change things if the police shooter had received the order to take down the fugitive immediately? Is it plausible that's what happened?

    I/S is demanding a prosecution of the officer who fired, but if he was acting on an express order, who's culpable?

    One of the Kiwiblog regulars, Gooner, is an ex-cop and he has an interesting post on the issue.

    It seems obvious that a clear picture of events needs to be established by the investigations before anybody talks about a prosecution.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    They won't shoot an armed offender just because they have a gun. They'll only do it once he presents the weapon and is looking likely to use it on someone. Maybe this is the first time he actually pointed the gun at someone and looked likely to use it.

    It seems he had discharged his rifle repeatedly in the course of the chase. The cops may have been reluctant to fire shots at a fast-moving car on the public road.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Holiday Book Club,

    Tim: Moore didn't want his name in the credits, and if my memory served he actually sued to make sure his name isn't on the credits or any marketing material for the movie.

    Or any movie based on his work. He regards Hollywood as incapable of rendering his ideas on screen. It's quite decent of him to stand aside and let Gibbons get paid though.

    I'm looking forward to the movie. I was in London when the original comics came out. The monthly visit to Forbidden Planet was an exciting thing.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Russell, have you stopped proof-reading?

    There's no need to be a smartarse about it. I was under pressure of time this morning, writing fast so I could get out and record a voice track for the TV show. I think I've corrected the typos now I'm back in the house, but feel free to point out any I've missed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    The NYT doesn't stand on ceremony, does it: "This is William Kristol’s last column." Surely, the sweetest six words in the English language. But it doesn't say "for this publication". Are they going to make sure he doesn't work for anybody else after this?

    Word is, they're looking at The Atlantic's Megan McArdle as a replacement for Kristol.

    The timing's not great, given that McArdle's effort on the Guantanamo order was comprehensively undone this past week by Glenn Greenwald, who pointed out that she didn't have the first clue what she was talking about. See:

    Not letting abject ignorance interfere with opining

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: It's not OK to just make…,

    Seriously, what is it going to take before a talkback radio host faces any kind of real and lasting accountability for telling objective reality to go fuck itself?

    Dude, I've been watching Sean Hannity interview Rush Limbaugh on Fox News. Reality gets a complete and utter rogering there ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: It's not OK to just make…,

    I don't know about that one, Giovanni. My methods work, but I'm not sure that you'd approve of all of them!

    There are some things we muggles don't need to know.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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