Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    I'm thoroughly in favour of returning stolen bits and pieces and have yet to hear an argument why not that works for me. I wandered around some of the great museums of NY last month pondering the scale of the theft implied. More power to the Chinese / Greeks / Indonesians / Vietnamese / Egyptians etc. It's one of the colonial wrongs the west in particular has yet to sufficiently recognise.

    Legitimately owned items, assuming it's documented and /or they've been sold by someone who had the right to do so, are another matter.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    should a nation re appropriate its perceived heritage or should they buy it?
    an interesting situation. a private buyer won the auction and says he intends to give them to his country.

    I dunno, but I think what the Chinese did was quite brilliant.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • The Androidss: 'Auckland Tonight',

    Steve Android passed away this week. RIP matey

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    Fascinating watching Republicans accidentally speak the truth...and then be forced to recant their heresy.

    Jonathan Martin seems to think that Limbaugh and Steele are making some people smile and that Carville & Co. want Rush to keep on talking please, as the voice that will lead the Republicans to political oblivion.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mac Ouch,

    Sigh. I miss buying cheap things from America. Plus we're planning a mega-Christmas-trip around the USA and even a Holiday Inn (!) in DC for three days is starting to look like a major financial investment.

    I earn USD these days so the pain was only temporary but my cards are all still in NZDs so the statements were very, very painful to read after three weeks in the US and the Gulf (the Arabian one, which makes NY look like a complete bargain destination...$200 for lunchtime sushi anyone?).

    That said, we found the deals on hotels, at least in NY right now are never before in your lifetime kind of things, especially if you avoid the agents and do it all online, using the the likes of WeGo. Managed to a place in SoHo for $140 a night which is nuts cheap for that city.

    And there 75%+ off sales all over the place too which somewhat tempers the cost of a Pastrami sandwich (even if it does contain most of a cow).

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Casino,

    And my very limited experience has been that Auckland's casino is mindnumbingly depressing, while Sydney's was good-times-fun.

    I've been known to enjoy to odd game of poker and toss a few coins (very few mind) into a slot machine, and quite enjoy watching others play blackjack, but rarely in Auckland's horrible barn of a Casino. It's such an awful environment, whether it be main room or one of the smaller ones, thoroughly without any redeeming visual features and it's beyond me why anyone would willingly spend time and throw away cash in such shitty surroundings.

    At least others kinda try, even if they only succeed (usually) on a tack level.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Two wallops of wonk, with a…,

    The 3,700 jobs figure (probably) doesn't mean that they'll hire 3,700 burly men with shovels and pickaxes.

    One of the things I enjoy about NZ. Obama builds a Maglev from LA to Vegas and Key builds a cycle track from Bluff to the Cape.

    It makes yer smile.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Safari 4 beta: seriously quick,

    Curious if anyone else has used entourage and how they've found it.

    Yeah, I went to it when I moved to a Mac mostly because I needed my 10 odd years of Outllook correspondence at hand when I was working. I don't mind it but it's a curiously neutered version of Outlook which misses a bunch of stuff that I took for granted on Outlook (for example being able to ask for a read-receipt at times, but quite a lot more) and it's search facility sucks. I've used Mail on one of my email accounts but to be honest I still think, bloated and buggy as it is, Outlook kills both just in basic functionality and ease of use.

    The other issue I have is that Entourage spits the dummy with certain wi-fi setups, especially in hotels and airports, and won't send unless you fiddle around with ports.

    I have Thunderbird on an account on my daughter's PC and I agree with Mark, it kicks both of them out of the playground.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Re-Entry II: Wending Our Way Home,

    Awfully jealous

    ...of that Serge boxed set. I looked at it a couple of times but it was well more than 13 Euros.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Get yer avatars out,

    So it's highly likely that if s92c gets implemented, there *will* be RIANZ functionaries looking for torrent seeds with NZ IP addresses and banging out disconnection notices.

    That I think is highly unlikely. It's about threat rather than anything else. They simply don't have the resources or the manpower.

    NZ isn't a police state (yet, the Nats have only been in office for 3 months)

    God god, its probably the piece of dirt that's furthest from being a police state on this planet....please...this sort of stuff helps nobody.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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