Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    The patter on Mac's bottles, perhaps. Over at Speight's they still haven't mastered the difference between its and it's.

    You know, it's funny that you should mention that. For bloody years the Mac's back label was a grammatical atrocity, with "its and it's" and more.

    Things only improved after Lion bought them and could afford a better class of copyrighter.

    PS: This is a classic example of mentally storing trivial information in the hope that it will be useful one day. The copy on the back label of the Epic pale ale (sponsors of the Dropkicks!) was written by Nick Sampson, formerly of the Netherworld Dancing Toys.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    I just hope Emma isn't too upset.

    She's staunch as.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    And that Alcopops are crap, they don't have the requisite adult sophistication to bring about positive drinking habits. In other words Alcopops encourage childish drinking behavior.

    See James' really rather excellent quote:

    Alcopops are to alcoholic beverages what pokies are to gambling. They're optimised for suboptimal use.

    There's evidence that they overwhelmingly appeal to underage drinkers.

    Foster's was forced by public pressure last year to stop selling RTDs with high alcohol content and a big hit of caffeine and taurine -- little party bombs for the kiddies.

    They now voluntarily limit themselves to 7% alcohol -- which still seems really bloody high for something that tastes like lolly-water.

    I do know one mum who thinks alcopops are okay for her daughter, in that they're better than doing what the other girls do at parties -- pour cheap spirits into fizzy drinks -- because they're a measured dose. Which is a reasonable view. They're still quite strong drinks.

    Finally, a journalist I know was told by a cop that "South Auckland doesn't have a P problem -- it has a Woodstock problem."

    I looked it up. Woodstock Bourbon and Cola clocks in at 12%, in a beer-sized bottle. That's fucking crazy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,


    You kicked off by declaring "I drink alcohol to get drunk. The taste of the stuff is disgusting, as is usually the case with toxins." And then went on to generalise from you own experience that "the only training of the taste buds that goes on with alcohol is in disconnecting them from your gag reflex, and then telling yourself you love it."

    You claimed that "alcohol is what people are in it for, and the tastes are just way of justifying that, whereas, with your blazing, unimpeachable honesty, have "never been able to stomach the lying-to-oneself involved in saying yucky things are nice."

    As Emma pointed it, it was coming across a bit arrogant, and you weren't paying any attention to what anyone else was saying, including people who brought those sweet, sweet data.

    It is a funny thing to have such a long argument about though … politics, anyone?

    PS: The Mac's Light I'm drinking has quite a rap on the back label about taste. It says "Beers brewed in the range of 1% or less are typically unclean and unfermented with a taste too redolent of the initial malt wort."

    But not theirs, because they have a way of making a low-alcohol beer that:

    … looks and tastes like beer; the kind of beer that has hops, esters, bitterness, aroma, charm, mystery and the promise of another one to follow.

    Because ….

    We suspect you're not drinking a light beer because you'd rather be drinking lemonade.

    I'm quite impressed that they used a semicolon. The patter on beer labels really is getting more stylish.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    But the one thing I refuse to do is take photos. I'm all for professional and amateur music photography, but I don't get the people who stand at a gig, holding their cellphone up so they can take a shitty, blurry photo of some distant rock star - or worse, they record a video.

    Because photography means taking yourself out of the moment for a long time. What you're focussing on isn't the performance on the stage, it's the operation of the photographic equipment.

    Oh, I quite like grabbing the odd video clip, even if the sound is usually crap. It's way less complicated than texting. My video of Shihad at the BDO last year was cool like that even if some self-appointed audio policeman in the comments had a blue fit about the sound:

    The weird thing was that the comments wound up with people arguing about Kurt Cobain.

    I don't to cellphone video any more, of course. Not since I, er, upgraded to an iPhone ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    . I do not think people should be called rude cunts under any circumstances. Personal abuse, apart from anything else, usually indicates that one's case is not strong.

    To be fair, I don't think Craig was actually calling Giovanni a "rude cunt", but people who revolve around their phones in public. But I think Giovanni was unnecessarily rude before that and I should have jumped in sooner. We can be rude about each other's arguments without be being rude about each other personally.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    __life beyond Liebestraum__

    I sense another nostalgic PAS book in the offing..

    Now you put it that way, it's a cracking title. Although perhaps for a chapter or volume, rather than the whole book.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    __Sigh ... and why, pray tell, do cafes continue to successfully sell lattes and flat whites? Perhaps some people prefer them?__

    Yup, so what?

    Because that would mean they have different tastes from me .

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    I thought the deal with alcohol is that people (and other animals) were originally attracted to it because its smell is like that of ripe fruit.

    If you put your nose into a glass a reasonably fresh Heineken, you should get a nice, soft aroma of bananas, from the esters. If you happen to drink it factory-fresh, it's very noticeable.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    Also, I'm not much of a tea-drinker, but on the odd occasion when I do have it, it's invariably without milk, let alone sugar. I even used to have black tea at London caffs, where it actually is black.

    I believe this wins the argument.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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