Posts by Sacha
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Yeah, that looks like it - wrong country, right model. Thanks, Simon.
the "grey bureaucrat reputation" thing does show how an idea can propagate passively through the media. It's not actually saying he is a grey man, it's saying that, well, people say he's a grey man
Yes, it shows the power of getting in early with the framing - something at which Nact run rings around lefties at present, regardless of any bias in media buy-in.
It would be better to see senior reporters use more accurate phrases like "who some claim is" as opposed to "who has a reputation as". It takes more than a week of spun whispering before you can sum up a candidate's entire reputation. And a professional like Simon must hate feeling like he has been used to spread someone's larger message.
India Village restaurant in Morningside
Is that the one in the small block of shops on the corner of Morningside and New North roads?
Sometimes a cigar...
Yes, I did notice them having a buck each way with the editorial position. Just not keeping up with posting this thread as things develop.
Any thoughts on merits/chances of full ward representation for the 20 new Councillors, Craig?
Because they're humans, Mark, not just market actors. People get embarrassed irrationally. Sheesh.
I'm sure the government have plans for R&D - just not a tax credit based approach. I guess we'll see when the Budget arrives. It was a very bad look choosing that to sacrifice to provide some cover for tax cuts for higher income earners, no matter what your perspective on the overall benefits of those.
Matthew, think joint venture rather than licensing - isn't that the approach they're pursuing in Argentina? Remove one major constraint on growth by using another country's arable land, apply our superior expertise to drive wuality and margins - but retain a larger share of the profit (although it requires putting in equity). I haven't followed it closely, but that's what I remember reading.
Eh? I fixed the link Max provided and made no comment about the article at all. Sure you're not thinking of someone else?
Oh, and I'd forgotten the insults. They go a long way to creating more heat than light. As you were.
I forgot that Emma has a comparative visualisation advantage - and is consequently likely to be snorting popcorn about now.
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