Posts by Sacha
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I am wearing one of those Victorian era top to toe swimsuits, I'll have you know.
Minds that make words like "ankles".
A little deliberate misunderstanding and repetition goes a long way. :)
Oh, is it back? I had hoped for a silent death. The thread, that is.
The Peter Principle explains ending up one level higher than is warranted. The example I mentioned sits several layers too high, and is so distasteful that charm can't be the answer.
Everyone should just move to Kaiwaka.
I note that Paul's career seems vastly more exciting than mine so far.
I have encountered a government manager with such abysmal communication and reasoning skills and lack of empathy that I can't for the life of me figure how they even got through the job interview let alone getting constantly promoted and affecting actual people's lives. Can't be that hard to fire them or demand human decency, surely.
A different kind of ex. :)
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