Posts by Sacha
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Dude, that is a whole nother conversation.
Didn't we already have that one?
Paul Henry would be first in line to stick them in the dunking basket.
Only if his producers let him. I see an opening for further complaints if the little shit steps out of line again.
Spoken like a technical communicator. :)
Skimming the clouds, prehaps.
You could call it something like Connecting the Clouds. :)
Hah. You call that late to the thread.
when Labour went with Peters and Dunne in 2005
Wasn't it just classic MMP for big parties - cosy up to the smaller parties closer to your opposition? After all, Key has done it this time with the Maori Party and Greens, and not because he really needed their votes.
Can we not go down this route again, please?
Totally agree.
Kyle, I reckon intent should count as well as outcome. Agree it wouldn't have made much difference to the sentence bargain. Concerned about the signal being sent that the ends justify the means. Especially if you're a connected rich person.
Ta for the history, Amy.
But perhaps I'm being factored out as a groupie?
No disrespect indended. In the context of this discussion, I suspect factored out as not available for a tv appearance in Auckland this evening. That's all.
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